Example sentences of "[conj] was [adj] [to-vb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He could sing of lizard-clad nobles hunting for trophies , and of body-heat orgies and mutations of the eye , and of a lone white-haired woman whose senses had been scarified , locked in a sanctum forever , her mind reaching to the stars ; and out among all those stars and worlds that she spoke to in her mind , no fellow spirit yearned towards her or was able to express any such feeling — ’
2 It followed that no representation was made as to whether Mr. Bell should be remanded on bail or in custody , nor was the justice asked to form any opinion as to whether Mr. Bell had broken or was likely to break any condition of his bail .
3 Claire Robinson in her affidavit deposes that all parties were in agreement that the court on 16 February had not come to any opinion as to whether or not Mr. Bell had broken or was likely to break any condition of his bail .
4 The boy seriously injured in the blast , 12-year-old Timothy Parry , remained in critical condition and was due to have another brain scan today .
5 Wondering if my worm had been chewed again , I picked up the rod to reel in and was delighted to find another roach on the end .
6 Encouraged by the vision thus conjured up , Nutty watched the opposition with narrowed eyes , and was pleased to see that , yes , Colin Constable , for all his smart appearance , was certainly not up to Nails 's standard and not even up to Jazz 's , although better than Hoomey and herself .
7 Nathan Lazar woke up late and was unable to find any human sign of life down in the workshops .
8 She looked back over that stormy summer and was surprised to see each scene , even the ones that had seemed rather painful at the time , shining with an almost holy silver light .
9 I was practising this the other day , in preparation for the time when my climbing standard drops slightly , and was surprised to read some interesting facts about myself .
10 This would occur if the winner of the initial contract benefited from learning-by-doing during its execution and was able to appropriate those benefits , enabling him to compete advantageously when terms are renegotiated .
11 Although the system had been modified in many villages so that the strips fell together instead of being widely separated , everybody , including squatters , had access to the common land and was able to earn some sort of a living from it , and this could be supplemented seasonally by labouring or harvesting for a bigger landowner .
12 In many cases he was even able at the first consultation to diagnose the probable organism which the patient was harbouring on the basis of the patient 's temperament , and was able to confirm these later by bacteriological studies .
13 Again he froze it with a quick stare , and was able to repeat this process time and again .
14 Gross examined over one dozen research projects on corporate career mobility and was able to discern some ‘ distinctive features ’ of those who attain ‘ top positions ’ .
15 So er I went down the Red Lion in Willenhall and fixed him up for a night 's dosh , did n't I , and the driver and then er I worked on , worked on and on and was able to get these er done for him to take back to fit this ship .
16 He took everything too seriously , and was apt to shoulder all burdens , all responsibilities , to initiate too many schemes for battered women , delinquent children , alcoholics , drug abusers , prostitutes , the old and the destitute .
17 Long had quit his job because of the incident and was unlikely to get another .
18 This was first flown in 1979 , but Bill found himself hanging upside down when the brakes seized on landing , and was reluctant to repeat this so it is now owned by Disney Industries , featuring in a recent film The Rocketeer .
19 I saw the last few minutes of the game when I got back from the pub last night and was amazed to hear some commentator say ‘ Manchester United have n't lost at home in the European Cup for 37 years ’ .
20 It is sponsored by Lufthansa with additional support from Germany , and by the Henry Moore Foundation , which usually supports sculpture shows but was pleased to help this exhibition of graphic art .
21 He did not compromise easily , but was willing to accept less than he had hoped for rather than to make no gain at all .
22 The Minister agreed that the broadcasting of news still needed improvement but was glad to note that , in addition to world news , plenty of news was broadcast about Tanganyika and Zanzibar .
23 In Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd Megarry V-C considered the implications of Lord Denning 's judgment in Seager but was unable to reach any firm conclusion .
24 Turkey achieved observer status at the Algiers Non-Aligned Conference in 1973 , but was unable to retain this status .
25 Weber recognized the importance of economics in shaping social reality , but was concerned to demonstrate that culture and religion influenced economic development just as much as economics influenced culture .
26 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) ( Lord Mackay of Clashfern L.C. dissenting ) that , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , the rule excluding reference to Parliamentary material as an aid to statutory construction should be relaxed so as to permit such reference where ( a ) legislation was ambiguous or obscure or led to absurdity , ( b ) the material relied upon consisted of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as was necessary to understand such statements and their effect and ( c ) the statements relied upon were clear ( post , pp. 1039C , G , 1040B , D–E , 1042C–D , H — 1043A , 1056A–C , 1061E–F , 1063F–G ) .
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