Example sentences of "[conj] was then [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He suggested that I might give a dinner to the leading newspaper editors and proprietors , when he could make some statement calculated to neutralise some of the undoubted venom that was then directed at him .
2 The attendant returned to the kitchen area where Duncan spotted him taking a deep swig from a bottle of vodka that was then passed round the other members of the flight crew .
3 This continued until a drop-off in the number of pedestrians was found and was then recorded on a graph and in a table .
4 He appeared once more and was then kept in suspense for months.The Pope eventually decided on life imprisonment .
5 ‘ She was admitted and treated like any other National Health Service patient to the accident and emergency department , and was then seen by a consultant .
6 In 1959 the paper was sold to East African Newspapers Ltd of Nairobi , publishers of the Daily Nation , and was then printed in the Kenyan capital for sale in Tanzania .
7 Asil Nadir , who gave £1.5 million to the Conservative Party , and was then charged with theft and false accounting .
8 Their best chances fell to Littlejohn , but he volleyed over from David May 's misplaced header when he had time to bring the ball under control , and was then denied by Bobby Mimms .
9 Mr Key watched our reports and was then questioned about his policy by our environment reporter Harriet Ryley .
10 Instead the plucky , unassuming little accountant , who has only his name in common with the dashing former Test batsman/keeper of the mid-1980s , got a streaky 8 and was then hit between the eyes by the Perth media .
11 However , as the ball rebounded it struck a Musselburgh player on the arm and was then gathered by a colleague a yard in front of him .
12 J. B. Dancer received some basic education at a dame school and was then tutored by his father in mathematics , French , Latin , and Greek .
13 Hammond changed his status from professional to amateur partly through taking a directorship of a tyre company in 1938 — he liked to drive fast cars — and was then selected to captain England .
14 Accordingly , article 119 did not apply to the Employment Secretary 's liability to make section 106 payments , and an employee who had become entitled to a state pension and was then dismissed for redundancy was not entitled to a payment from the Employment Secretary under section 106 .
15 He was to go down to the Supersight factory for some practice with Harley and was then to go with him to a couple of the Continental tournaments . ’
16 In August 1920 , almost by chance , he was attached for a year to the small peacetime signal intelligence organization in London , and was then posted to Simla in India , where for eight years he performed cipher-breaking duties with remarkable success .
17 He did his basic training at Warrington and was then posted to officer training school at Grantham .
18 After he had been accepted he trained in South Africa , and was then posted as a Flight Sergeant to Coastal Command .
19 Ask Jacob Manor about the land that belonged to Mrs Zamzam 's husband in the village of Um Al-Farajh and he could immediately explain how it came into the hands of the development authority and was then leased to the village of Ben Ami .
20 Jimmy Magilton who missed the start of the season through suspension and was then injured in a road accident is back in the Oxford team to play at Swansea …
21 Although largely unrecognized by the scientific establishment in England , Palmer enjoyed some contemporary recognition on the Continent : his explanation of colour blindness first appears in a secondary account in L. C. Lichtenberg 's Magazin für das Neuste aus der Physik in 1781 and was then cited in texts such as J. S. T. Gehler 's Physikalisches Wörterbuch , while his first monograph of 1777 ( which he issued in translation in Paris in the same year ) was extravagantly reviewed in the Journal Encyclopédique .
22 He was ordained at Leeds Cathedral by Bishop Wheeler on 20th May , 1967 and was then appointed to St Joseph 's , Handsworth , Sheffield .
23 From 1959 to 1961 Hayman served as Counsellor in Baghdad , and was then assigned to another public relations post as director-general of British Information Services , New York .
24 It was originally a large , stout , hardy draught animal at a time when beef came mainly from plough oxen once they were no longer in prime working condition ( typical of meat production in many countries even now ) and was then developed as a triple-purpose draught , meat and milk type but it soon evolved into essentially a beef animal and in that role its influence worldwide has been immense and far-reaching .
25 It was involved in an accident in Warwickshire and was then followed along the M-6 and down the M-1 through Northamptonshire and then Buckinghamshire .
26 Without authorisation he was placed in a strip cell ( a room without furniture ) clad in only a canvas suit for 3 days , and was then transferred to a cell , still on his own , where he was observed every 15 minutes .
27 Forensic experts believe he shot his son in the head and was then spattered with blood firing a second bullet point blank into 14-year-old Adam .
28 It was first published by the Department of Health in 1983 , and was then updated in successive annual reports of the NHS in England ( DHSS , 1986 ) .
29 He arrived in Split aboard an RAF VC10 , and was then taken to Tomislavgrad and the Redoubt , a high altitude forward post , by helicopter and armoured car .
30 He arrived in Split aboard an RAF VC10 , and was then taken to Tomislavgrad and the Redoubt , a high altitude forward post , by helicopter and armoured car .
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