Example sentences of "[conj] is [vb pp] as a " in BNC.

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1 He ought , whether he remains technically an employee or is treated as a partner or is classified as somewhere between the two ( eg taxed under Sched D on his " salary " ) , to be in a position to know enough about his firm to judge what amounts to a reasonable restriction and not to need the court 's protection if he should have agreed to covenants in stringent terms .
2 A provision that is written informally , or is described as a " procedure " or " code of practice " is , regardless of technical factors , likely to be interpreted as a lesser obligation rather than a " rule " or " regulation " .
3 For this reason , something that is accepted as a satisfactory causal explanation at one point in time can become problematic at another .
4 Corporation tax that is repaid as a result of a carry back of ACT will not generally give rise to a repayment supplement .
5 The one move that is seen as a means of significantly improving the picture is another sharp improvement in efficiency — but that means still more job cuts , and word is that the company is considering seeking another 70,000 voluntary redundancies over the next four years , brining its workforce down to just 100,000 by 1997 , compared with 240,000 in 1991 ; finding more volunteers should not be too hard — its last offer was massively oversubscribed , but ironically , many of those that depart will end up working for its incoming competitors .
6 In the final quarter of the year , it surged and closed at its high of 330p , 24.5% up on the 30th September level ; this was more than twice what the FT 100 Share Index achieved and reflected investor enthusiasm for a group that is seen as a prime beneficiary of any pick up in advertising , has bags of room to take on new business ( 25% unutilised capacity on its magazine presses ) and is cash rich .
7 Our final recommendation is a kite that is classified as a ‘ Box ’ type but , due to its multi-triangulated panels , is not always recognised as such .
8 The road would pass within 3 km of the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve , an unspoilt rainforest that is protected as a World Heritage site .
9 Manure : Cow or horse manure can be composted and breaks down into an inoffensive material that is used as a compost base by a number of manufacturers .
10 The finding that ‘ ee ’ occurred significantly less often in the gead condition than in the other two conditions shows that it is not only the single grapheme that is used as a unit in reading non-words aloud .
11 The figure that is used as a multiplier is not a figure intended to replicate the number of years that the dependency would have continued .
12 The most famous head that gets the cover treatment is ex-Band frontman turned yup rock jock , Robbie Robertson — his ‘ Makes No Difference ’ is the most commercial track on the mini-album and is mooted as a single .
13 The most famous head that gets the cover treatment is ex-Band frontman turned yup rock jock , Robbie Robertson — his ‘ Makes No Difference ’ is the most commercial track on the mini-album and is mooted as a single .
14 A new 50 tonne Avery road weighbridge was also installed at the Edinburgh Dock and is operated as a Public Weighbridge available to both dock and non-dock traffic .
15 When the patient walks on a conventional rigid replacement the stress of the load is mainly borne by the bone at the tip of the implant.The top of the thighbone is n't exercised and is weakened as a result .
16 However , he does not become a member unless he elects to apply to be registered and is registered as a member .
17 It is composed of a single almond-shaped form curling at its narrowest point into a loop or tail and is employed as a repeating motif in either allover or medallion-and-corner formats .
18 Ian has worked with Douglas Reyburn for two years and is employed as a service operator in the Twisting & Reeling Departments .
19 Andrew has worked at the factory for six years and is employed as a yarn storeman .
20 The software recognises various dialects of SQL and is positioned as a data access tool rather than proprietary language or executive information system , although it combines elements of each .
21 The software recognises various dialects of SQL and is positioned as a data access tool rather than 4GL or executive information system ( EIS ) , although it combines elements of each .
22 Taking advantage of his status as a Roman citizen , Paul demands that his case be heard by the Emperor personally and is sent as a prisoner to Rome .
23 It has a very strong consumer awareness and is recognized as a premium label , appealing to a wide range of customers from the mid-20s upwards . ’
24 The new engine plants represents GM 's single biggest investment in the UK and is seen as a huge vote of confidence in Vauxhall , which continues to increase sales and avoid short-time working despite the recession .
25 The pulsar lies at the southeast end of the SNR shell and is seen as a point source with a mean continuum flux of 20.7mJy .
26 The New Year holiday lasts for three days and is seen as a time of fresh starts , new resolutions and auspicious omens .
27 The case is well known in England as well as Wales , and is seen as a trial of strength between the conservation and quarrying lobbies .
28 Although Blindcraft is the responsibility of the director of social work , and receives financial support from the Region , it has its own budget and is seen as a business in its own rights .
29 ‘ Equality of opportunity ’ involves their possibilities 1–3 ( see section 9-3-1 ) and is seen as a market-orientated approach .
30 Entitled This Common Inheritance : Britain 's Environmental Strategy , it describes many old policies as new and is seen as a mixture of hopeful and vague suggestions and promises simply to consult , consider and review .
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