Example sentences of "[conj] is [adv] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Human turpitude of a personal kind is clearly visible in the activities of the wife and the monk — a sad human ignorance , lack of mastery and even spiritual failure in the case of the merchant — a turpitude that is not rendered comic in any distinguished way by some unexpectedly creative sleight of hand in the Shipman 's Tale , nor artfully embodied in the sort of grotesque and rapid excesses that we have in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin .
2 With political change , the established constitutional authorities find themselves in a situation where they are forced to come to terms with new and emerging patterns of political power and practice that are outside ( but pressing in on ) the established constitution that is supposedly made sense of through their theories .
3 of the , the national average and it 's not because erm they 're paying high wages to get the , the most able people , it 's because there are mechanisms , institutional mechanisms that keep wages high , there 's no market in the jobs for , th these are generalizations but I think they are fairly , fairly true erm becau there is no market for er for the jobs , for civil service jobs that appointments are made and it is much more important who you know than , than what , what you know and the old boy network , as it 's called , in this country is fairly important in the English Civil Service but a similar sort of network tends to be far more important in developing countries , something that is euphemistically called patronage erm but we might call the old boy network or er er jobs for the boys whatever , but erm
4 He struck on the underlying concept that is now called hypertext when he wrote :
5 This plutonium has a high proportion of plutonium 239 isotope and is normally considered weapons-grade .
6 In spite of my enthusiasm and my growing sense of self-importance , one con keeps cropping up and is finally given life by a fellow banker from Chase Manhattan , whom I sit next to on the flight into Kuala Lumpur .
7 The policy for science and technology has been developed in tandem with the new Labour government 's economic and industrial policies and is generally considered part of any plans for national recovery and reconstruction .
8 He is more accessible than most tycoons and is frequently seen dining in the works canteen at Wapping .
9 The key point remains , however : research is seldom driven by curricular considerations , but is normally given direction by an interest structure based on academic careers and the public use of knowledge .
10 But is parentally condoned absenteeism distinguishable from ‘ truancy ’ ?
11 As is well known pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity , pH 7 is the neutral point with lower values indicating acidity and higher alkalinity .
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