Example sentences of "[conj] is [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) It is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain , or is made for the thief 's own benefit .
2 The Act states in s.1(2) : " It is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain or is made for the thief 's own benefit . "
3 In these offences there is no equivalent to s.1(2) of the 1968 Act which states : " [ i ] t is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain , or is made for the thief 's own benefit . "
4 The alternative method is to provide that upon any adjustment of the base figure , the rent payable immediately before the adjustment becomes a fixed amount payable under the terms of the lease ( or is substituted for a fixed amount previously reserved ) .
5 Luggage that is destined for the aeroplane 's hold is x-rayed .
6 With regard to the public interest , the important figure is the sum that is realised for the Scottish Bus Group as a whole .
7 We are passing on a letter we have received from a firm of accountants that is acting for the BSM , asking you to contact them .
8 Conscience has no application to anything that is done for the sake of the object ; …
9 DOWN 1 Do one in for equal wages ( 6 ) 2 Sprint up with lace undone in typical family ( 7 ) 3 Request he received from the British Empire ? ( 5 ) 4 Concentrating so in form for plans ( 10 ) 5 Queen that is raised for the country ( 4 ) 6 Peg holds this original drier ( 4–5 ) 7 Solvent with less substance ? ( 7 ) 8 Relative amount needed to be filthy , he said ( 6 ) 13 High fashion involving exercise with English lords ( 3,7 ) 15 Common sense about riot disorder and love of ill fame ( 9 ) 17 He went up to the city which went with the flow ( 7 ) 18 Fail to keep appointment with his comedy ? ( 5–2 ) 19 Prevents injection of energy for champion of prevention ( 6 ) 20 Keep alien in bad weather ( 6 ) 23 Make ten to five when you do it ( 5 ) 24 Strike one for chastity which he went Up the second time
10 These public contests are firmly based on agreement as to the fundamental characteristics of the type of regime and economic system that is required for the country .
11 Also in the crypt is the Duomo treasury , a pay-to-enter collection that is closed for a long period at lunch .
12 The idea is that when an instruction that is meant for a coprocessor is encountered , the coprocessor handles it leaving the main processor to carry on with other jobs .
13 For Merton , such behaviour occurs as a result of a discrepancy or contradiction between the aspirations which society has socialised into its members ( the ends or goals ) and the way that is provided for the realisation of such aspirations ( the means ) .
14 To calculate the amount of fabric that is left for the pleats , deduct the pole length from the finished fabric width , and divide the result by the number of spaces .
15 The amount of information that is needed for a company 's marketing information system will depend on the extent of its current involvement or potential interest in an overseas market .
16 He 'll tell you how to collect the sample of urine that is needed for the test .
17 This is the amount of memory that is needed for the computer to undertake all the different tasks which the software requires .
18 Every country has different requirements , and it is vitally important for Welsh lamb producers to be fully aware of the type of lamb that is needed for the various export markets .
19 MARK RAMPRAKASH could leave Middlesex at the end of the season — in a desperate bid to save a career that is heading for the rocks .
20 While some types require a separate battery , most can be powered by the same battery that is used for the receiver and servos .
21 Will the Minister discuss with the regional chairman the formula base that is used for the distribution of money to the districts ?
22 The curtilage of a building will include the ground that is used for the comfortable enjoyment of that building even though it has not been marked off or enclosed in any way ( Sinclair-Lockhart 's Trustees v Central Land Board ( 1950 ) 1 P & CR 195 ) .
23 Due to the very nature of vigilance , the tests to measure it must take much longer than is required for the other tests above .
24 The types of behaviour to which this motivation is said to lead include employing a larger staff than is required for the purposes of the business , lavish expenditure on office accommodation , transport , and various forms of entertainment , and on image- building ( but not cost-justified ) advertising , and charitable giving .
25 The other advantage of affray for the prosecutor is that it requires a less exacting proof of mens rea than is required for the offences against the person .
26 If the stitch pattern is smaller than the garment piece , the program will automatically fill the screen with more repeats of the pattern than is needed for the size of the garment shape .
27 After an amazing cross country round yesterday with her agile horse Knockdrin Vina finished in first position with 49 points after the dressage , and is hoping for a clear round today to win the £1,500 national championship and title .
28 Rover has launched a Metro special offer this month and is hoping for an improvement .
29 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
30 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
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