Example sentences of "[conj] it be these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the following summary of current approaches to the analysis of culture , for example , Raymond Williams suggests that it is these interactions which produce the way of life defining a social collectivity :
2 It is important to realise that it is these eggs deposited in the first half of the grazing season from April to June , which give rise to the potentially dangerous populations of L3 from July to October .
3 Remember that it is these kinds of tests that are carried out in conventional ( econometric ) tests of economic theories .
4 ( Parenthetically we may note , too , that Urn argues that it is these struggles within civil society that dominate in capitalist societies rather than those in the sphere of production , hence the fragmentation of the working class in national politics , because classes-in — struggle are much more important to them than class-struggle .
5 Hurley suggests that endotoxin in the bloodstream is an epiphenomenon accompanying the transition of bacteria to their cell-wall deficient L-forms , and that it is these L-forms that are responsible for the symptoms .
6 An MC200 pilot claimed one Hurricane damaged , and it is probable that it was these fighters , rather than Bf109s , which attacked Laubscher and/or Pain subsequent to their fight with the biplanes .
7 ‘ And here it is convenient to refer pointedly to the fact that it is Mr. Matthey , the original lessee , and not the Richardson executors , his assignees , who is defendant to the action and respondent on this appeal , as well as to the further fact that it was these executors , and not Mr. Matthey , who were the real and only actors in the matters to which I have just been referring .
8 And it 's these finds in the trays are actually real archaeological finds from real sites in York .
9 And it 's these developments that the borough council wishes to see embraced by a new policy .
10 But I actually think that you 've got access problems in both of them and they have to be considered because the do really affect severely or they could severely affect er the success or failure of the programme , and it 's these list of things which you think , now I 've thought about that or I have n't thought about that .
11 And it 's these people who need to worry most .
12 steel stock holder there , there is in fact er , a , a wood saw , there 's also a shed manufacturer and also a clear waste of Thetford also uses that , there are large houses , erm in there and all that traffic has to trundle along through residential areas , again onto er onto public routes , er indeed also in fact Pengate Road is very unattractive looking er settlement , if I can use that expression , so for Weeting my proposals would in fact disguise that by embankment and by tree planting , in fact I think that Weeting would gain considerably and it 's these sort of things which we will press upon your vote to draw their attention not just the
13 Certain duets thus feel like tortuous workshop explorations , with manoeuvres hard to do and awkward to watch , and it is these moments where Page seems to come adrift from the music .
14 The molars are shaped in an upward arch as can be seen from photo one and it is these teeth that become sharp and need rasping .
15 The reader can hope , all the same , that the writer will give an account of the special merits of key pictures , and it is these art critical passages which can be of most help in enjoying or appreciating the chosen artist 's achievement .
16 It is tempting to equate shares with rights under a contract , for as we have seen the memorandum and articles of association constitute a contract of some sort between the company and its members and it is these documents which directly or indirectly define the rights conferred by the shares .
17 Shape and profile make good towers , and it is these qualities which most of the entrants exploited .
18 Women 's efforts to create and maintain a home are found in all cultures , and it is these efforts that the Lady of the Hearth represents .
19 Some birds manage to nest a second time within the season , and it is these birds , again with recent experience , which breed at the end of the season .
20 However , the bulk of LDCs have neither oil resources to export nor a diversified manufacturing base , and it is these countries that account for a high proportion of the world 's poor .
21 External events are represented in the brain as spatio-temporal patterns of neural activity , and it is these patterns of activity which must themselves be the agents of synaptic change .
22 Costs from more routine accidents build up , and it is these sorts of accidents which have been costed for the HSE study .
23 ‘ We 're saying that the plates had passengers on them and it is these pieces of flotsam and jetsam , not the crustal plates , that have made the most impact on land formation , ’ Blake says .
24 Goals and values plus energy provide us with the vital information on motivation to perform and it is these variables which provide the best data on how an individual is likely to perform .
25 Most plants consist of a main rootstock from which several ‘ eyes ’ have grown to form sizeable ‘ branches ’ , and it is these side growths that should be retained , cutting them from the parent with as much healthy young rootstock as possible .
26 Convention , technique , and an empathy with the popular mind all went into the perfecting of the Chaplin act and it was these things that enabled him to become Sennett 's most accomplished pupil and which allowed him to create the cinema 's most appealing and most universal symbol .
27 The United States had the same sort of missiles in Italy and in Turkey and , before this crisis had developed , President Kennedy had in fact ordered them er to be er er returned to the United States , these missiles had no strategic purpose at all because a major change that had come into the strategic equation was the arrival of the intercontinental ballistic missile , and it was these missiles , really , which held the strategic balance er and were to change in fact radically both international politics and global strategy over the years to come , but I 'm going to talk about that later , the point I 'm making here is that er Khrushchev claimed that the missiles were there in the event of an American assault on Cuba , they were a deterrent weapon in exactly the same way as the defensive deterrent weapons er were d were defensive er for er the United States and for the Soviet Union .
28 The United States had the same sort of missiles in Italy and in Turkey and , before this crisis had developed , President Kennedy had in fact ordered them er to be er er returned to the United States , these missiles had no strategic purpose at all because a major change that had come into the strategic equation was the arrival of the intercontinental ballistic missile , and it was these missiles , really , which held the strategic balance er and were to change in fact radically both international politics and global strategy over the years to come , but I 'm going to talk about that later , the point I 'm making here is that er Khrushchev claimed that the missiles were there in the event of an American assault on Cuba , they were a deterrent weapon in exactly the same way as the defensive deterrent weapons er were d were defensive er for er the United States and for the Soviet Union .
29 Most verbs had three consonants , and it was these scribes who superimposed a system of vowels which became the standard text .
30 What seemed likely to him was that Adam had allowed some undesirable person or persons access to the place and it was these vagrants or hippies — there had been a lot of hippies still about then — were responsible .
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