Example sentences of "[conj] it be [det] time " in BNC.

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1 The advantages in determining serum 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one concentration are that it is an even simpler method , that only a serum sample is needed , that no radioactivity needs to be used , and that it is less time consuming .
2 Such was the emotion caused by the attack that it was some time before any of the defenders recalled that the Collector had not been feeling well and wondered what had become of him .
3 Car and bodies had been so badly charred that it was some time before they could be identified .
4 Going on down er , the profit and loss account , the tax charge er , is lower as a percentage than it was this time last year .
5 He produces the stories at a craftsmanlike rate , no more than one a year , so it is some time since the appearance of the first volume , Pig Earth .
6 It meant taking Weenie and Co. , who had to be made tidy and neat , so it was some time before their caravan set forth .
7 And it 's some time since I was in Paris . ’
8 Legislation has reduced the barons to serfdom , and it is some time since they seriously hampered leadership policy ( more often , lately , they have helped defeat constituency insurrection ) .
9 He did not immediately contemplate any drastic change in his filmmaking aesthetic , since his first Hollywood picture , Rebecca ( 1940 ) , was based on a British book and used British actors , and it was some time before he made a completely American picture .
10 The city was in mourning for Marie-Thérèse de Bourbon ( first wife of the Dauphin Louis ) and it was some time before the prospect of playing at court arose .
11 Which only set Nigel off more , and it was some time before he could attempt an explanation .
12 He had been a reporter then and it was some time after their first meeting that he had begun his campaign to highlight the plight of the poor .
13 This only seemed to exasperate the situation and it was some time before order was restored .
14 He looked small in the crush and it was some time before the order got through .
15 Then his lips found hers again and it was some time before either said anything at all .
16 Kharg itself was reported as solidly defended , with Raytheon Hawk surface/air missiles and F-14 fighters operational in the area , and it was some time before significant damage was inflicted on the terminal .
17 If it is some time since you last exercised on a regular basis , spend a few weeks following a gentle stretching and warming-up routine .
18 Literally translated , Vogelsang means ‘ bird song ’ , but it was some time before the dawn chorus when the Squadron Sergeant Major bawled out the orders for reveille .
19 Tisane , like tilleul , was in Frederica 's vocabulary , the word , not the thing , but it was some time yet before she would understand their connection with Proust , who had entered her consciousness largely through a striking nightmare , dreamed the night before her Oxford entrance examination , which she recalled , as M. Grimaud talked and the scented trees brushed past .
20 He heard the tin bracelets jangling on her wrists and from time to time she bent her head close over her fists as though blowing on reluctant embers ; but it was some time before he realized that he , too , was naked , and that the hands of the Moi girl were stroking and chafing his own body .
21 Her face seemed familiar , but it was some time before he realized that she was the curly-haired bit who had given him the slip some months back .
22 In view of the extent of domestic disquiet in the last year of the Crimean War Alexander had every reason to adopt a policy of radical reform , but it was some time before he did so .
23 I am glad that my hon. Friend has given way again , because it is some time since I smelt a rat in the Chamber , but there is one knocking about tonight .
24 Primarily because it 's that time of the year when things will start going bad .
25 And then there are special times ; when planning a family : as an expectant or nursing mother ; when it 's that time of the month ; or simply when you run out of time to eat properly .
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