Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Over at Pratt 's , the St James ' club where it is said that Tory leaders were made and unmade in the old days , you would never have guessed there was an election on .
2 Gran Canaria , the third largest of the Canary Islands , is an island of contrasting scenery , with a superb climate all year round , particularly in the south where it is said that the temperature never varies by more than five degrees .
3 Perhaps this a characteristic to be expected of a country where it is said that one person in every three is a civil servant and that it requires 72 government permits to open a mild bar .
4 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
5 A 17-year-old paper-stainer , James Irons , was brought before the magistrate — described by the police as a ring-leader and by his mother as ‘ a good boy ’ — where it was said that he had ‘ used disgusting language , and discharged a number of stones larger than walnuts from a powerful catapult ’ .
6 ( N.C. , 1979 ) where it was said that persons charged with serious disciplinary offences had a right to call any evidence which was likely to assist in establishing vital facts in issue , that the chairman had a discretion to refuse to call witnesses to prevent the accused calling so many witnesses as to make the system unworkable but that fairness demanded that there be a right to cross-examine witnesses .
7 Meanwhile on April 25 the National Assembly had unanimously approved a plan for the resettlement of 3,000-4,000 marsh Arabs in new settlements on the periphery of the marshlands , where it was said that they would have improved access to services .
8 An interlocutory injunction was sought , but not granted by the court , where it was said that there had been a breach , but that an injunction would not be granted on a balance of convenience .
9 Michael had had a farm across the border , a lonely ruin near a place called Hackballs Cross , where it was said that men with guns had been known to train , and where certainly only the barest minimum of farming ever happened , enough to get the EC grants and little more .
10 Perhaps the most elegant formulation of principle was given in Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd where it was said that if a reasonable man standing in the shoes of the recipient of the information would have realised that upon reasonable grounds the information was being given to him in confidence then this should suffice to impose upon him the equitable obligation of confidence .
11 The reason for this is clear in Collins MR 's judgment where it was said that , in the case of a purchase of goods capable of a multitude of purposes , in order to invoke the implied condition , it was necessary to show that the goods were sold with reference to a particular purpose : … in order to give rise to the implication of a warranty , it is necessary to show that , though the article sold was capable of general use for many purposes , in the particular case it was sold with reference to a particular purpose .
12 Most infections occur in childhood , although it is said that those adults who have escaped infection when young may be infected by their own children , a reversal of roles from congenital syphilis .
13 Under Ord. 53 these procedures can only be used if the court so orders , although it is said that such an order should be no less readily made than in other types of proceedings ( by originating summons ) where such an order is needed .
14 Although it was said that his main contribution to debate was his sonorous ‘ hear , hear ’ , his speeches , reflecting the outlook of a liberal-minded Whig , were usually sensible and to the point .
15 Now I think it 's in Alice in Wonderland , that it is said that words mean what I intend them to mean .
16 He was so quick to forgive personal insults and injuries that it was said that you only had to injure him in order to have him as a friend for life .
17 Poets were so highly esteemed that it was said that a Delhi-wallah visiting a friend in another part of India would always take with him as a present not jewels or hookahs or fine weapons but a few of Mir Taqi Mir 's new verses copied on to a single sheet of paper .
18 And you you will know as well in relation to Policy H one that it was said that if fact development housing development in particular 's kept pace more or less with the er the policy of er the the policy set out in the structure plan .
19 Willis was blamed for costly delays that plagued filming throughout , and it 's said that he antagonized his co-stars by constantly ad-libbing during takes , leaving the other actors speechless .
20 There 's been nothing very dramatic since the secretive and highly confidential opening , when the teacher started with : " I 've been told about the wreck of a Roman Galley , which is buried in mud off the coast near Pompeii ; and it 's said that when it sank it was carrying great chests of treasure from Egypt . "
21 But that Moorish Negress was so skilful in drawing the Turkish bow , that it was held for a marvel , and it is said that they called her in Arabic Nugueymat Turya , which is to say , the Star of the Archers .
22 Gwennap Pit was originally an amphitheatre created by mining subsidence , and it is said that tinners held their cock-fighting ‘ mains ’ ( matches ) in it , but in the eighteenth century John Wesley preached his fiery sermons to the large crowds of tinners and their families who gathered here .
23 The potential for growth had been retained and it is said that some of today 's bulls gain weight faster than continental breeds such as the Charolais ; the meat itself is now of much better quality .
24 For a week they accepted generous hospitality and it is said that on the evening before the massacre their leader played cards with McIan and his family .
25 The huntsman could then claim the dragon 's treasure hoard , and it is said that many of the noble houses of England were thus financed .
26 And it is said that her sister , the Lady Isabella Thynne , saw the like of herself also , before she died .
27 The mermaid did indeed return to claim Lutey and it is said that every nine years hence , one of his descendants is lost at sea .
28 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
29 Many takeovers in Europe are friendly and it is said that two in three are negotiated without merchant bankers .
30 What is now being sought is , in a sense , a reversal of that development , in a particular type of case ; and it is said that it is too late to take that step .
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