Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Blood heat should be the highest temperature for a smooth glossy result , although it takes more time to melt .
2 Oh aye aye er there was always that in the back of their mind that the the more rivets they put in per day , although it meant more money at the end of the week possibly , er it also meant that the the boat was therefore progressing or the ship was progressing that quick , that they were getting nearer the gate as the the saying went .
3 This model , too , is silent on gender issues , although it leaves more space for their inclusion .
4 Gina 's friends told him that this was a ‘ personal canvas ’ and that it had more integrity than conventional beautified portraiture .
5 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
6 While he agrees that it involves more risk , it does not deter him .
7 Frequently the results were so error-prone that it took more effort to correct the translation than it actually did to manually translate the text .
8 Therefore we want to think ahead to future access to the information in the Journals , and the price is that it takes more time now .
9 There is no difference between government coverage and party coverage in this respect except that government has more initiative in determining the news , which means that it has more opportunity than the opposition to ensure that its coverage is favourable .
10 We can retort that the city has more miles of canals than Venice ; that it has more parkland than any other city in Western Europe ; that it has a world-famous symphony orchestra , a marvellous Art Gallery ; that it … the list goes on .
11 There was public and media speculation that the real purpose of the ANC 's letter was to rally its supporters in the townships , and to fend off criticism that it attached more importance to pressing on with constitutional negotiations with the government than to defending its own people .
12 The first is that it introduces more subjectivity into the accounts .
13 If the objection to a hatchback is that it means more noise in the cabin , the Safrane is an exception .
14 The BBC has always maintained that it needs more spectrum for each service to be able to provide more relay stations in remote areas .
15 But Raff speculates that it makes more sense that all cells are suicidal : to survive they have to be constantly reminded by signals from the body that they are loved and cherished .
16 In fact the period seems somewhat variable , so that it makes more sense to talk of a 22-year cycle between one sunspot ‘ high ’ and , not the next , but the one after that .
17 These relations between finite coordinate distances are generally so inconvenient that it makes more sense to start calculations from the differentials which do transform linearly : .
18 It seems that it makes more sense to the majority of people if we tell you how much faster ( or slower ) than a common reference machine the test machine is .
19 As an example , property insurance is cheaper than liability insurance , so that it makes more sense , for instance , for a site-owner to insure against the fire risk of a fire caused by an installer , under fire insurance , than it does for the installer to insure against liability for causing the same risk , under a public liability or contractor 's all risks policy .
20 Our masters have had to size up the capacity they have at different plants and it made more sense to move production to Leeds
21 There were n't , we did it singly and it made more people did n't it ?
22 And it deters more people than u use actually having to er resort to different means .
23 Water also has a melting point and a boiling point much higher than would be expected from its formula and it becomes more fluid with increasing temperature .
24 It meant we had to chase the game and it left more room for their two dangerous strikers .
25 The local county court often has the advantage of being nearer than the High Court District Registry , its rules are less strict and it allows more steps to be taken by post than does the High Court .
26 This is a highly intuitive environment which cuts down on training needs , but it is not to everyone 's taste , and it needs more development work behind the scenes if we have to write bespoke software .
27 It manifests itself in diamonds as well as in coal , and it has more compounds than any other element .
28 And it holds more luggage in the 15.4cu ft boot .
29 It said 1,200 of the 1,700 employees that left during the quarter did so after voluntarily accepting severance packages , and it expects more departures as the job-cutting programme spreads to new countries .
30 Meanwhile , the BBC SSO is holding fire on balloting its members until it receives more information about the merger to create a National Orchestra of Scotland , which would double as the orchestra for both the BBC and SO .
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