Example sentences of "[conj] in the first world " in BNC.

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1 However , it is too soon to say with any degree of certainty to what extent computerization spells the end of TNC jobs in the Third , or in the First World ( Caulkin , 1989 ) .
2 Their own experiences at the Front , and the fact that in many of their villages and townships heavier losses had already been recorded than in the First World War , contradicted what Hitler had had to say .
3 Of course , there are relatively as well as absolutely very many more poor people in the Third World than in the First World but this is not only a question of geography but also of transnational class location .
4 The canal was never a commercial success , though it was made deeper after Telford 's death , but it is still open , and in the First World War it served the strategic purpose for which it had not been needed during the Napoleonic Wars : 70,000 mines were shipped through it , mainly by the U.S. Navy , to protect Allied merchant shipping against German U-boats .
5 Oh he was on the river he he was always connected with the river my father and in the First World War they towed the dredger from here to Ramsgate and er he was , he was in the Army but he was connected to the Inland Water Transport and cos they were dredging out the harbour at Ramsgate .
6 As in the First World War , the imperative need for active working-class collaboration in the war effort greatly enhanced the importance of the labour movement in the industrial and political life of the country .
7 As in the First World War , the United States was in one respect more fortunate than the other major powers in the Second World War : she avoided either invasion or aerial bombardment .
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