Example sentences of "[conj] in some [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 or in some cases you get two intermediate routes
2 This may be charged on the actual amount of water you use or a percentage of it , or in some areas it may be based on the rateable value of your home .
3 C. oncophora and C. curticei are generally considered to be mild pathogens in calves and lambs respectively although in some studies they have been associated with inappetence and poor weight gains .
4 There is one pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 3–4 rugose oral papillae , although in some specimens thee maybe more giving the appearance of a double row .
5 The radial shields are usually covered although in some specimens it is possible to see the outline of distal end .
6 Although in some circumstances it would appear that steroid use was very sophisticated , in many instances knowledge about drugs and injection technique was very poor ’ .
7 Although in some trials we noted post-randomisation exclusion of ineligible patients , early deaths , and protocol violations , we did not exclude them .
8 There is no need to be too rigid in your choice of material for each season , unless you feel it is important , but nevertheless you should still maintain the overall feeling of each season , although in some cases I chose a few out-of-season flowers to give a better colour or shape .
9 In many instances it is likely that these lowered rates of employment are the direct result of providing care , although in some cases it is possible that a temporary withdrawal from the labour market ( for example , because of redundancy or child-bearing ) may enable some women to take on informal caring responsibilities and delay their return to paid employment .
10 The Abortion Pill is best used in the early weeks of a pregnancy — certainly in the first three months , although in some cases it can be used later .
11 Contemporary miniatures show that Dara bore a striking resemblance to his father ; he had the same deep-set almond eyes , the same straight , narrow nose and long , full beard , although in some pictures he appears to have been slightly darker and more petite than Shah Jehan .
12 Although in some hospitals it 's as high as one in five .
13 Although in some ways it 's even more agreeable when they 're not , because then Howard does his famous imitation of Freddie — Freddie being praised , Freddie being jealous , Freddie doing his best to unbend enough to be wrathful .
14 Although in some ways it seems hardly necessary to have to justify this , the concerns of management merit our interest for a number of reasons .
15 So in fact the crinoline , although in some ways it had its disadvantages , I think it was a good deal more comfortable than , than wearing a lot of petticoats and being very restricted like that .
16 Suffice it to say that in some circumstances they authorise treatment despite the objections of the patient , whether minor or adult .
17 As we shall see in Section 6.5 , some weathering products show a remarkable resilience to changing environmental conditions to the extent that in some circumstances they can persist in the landscape essentially unaltered for tens of millions of years .
18 If one accepts that a person 's actions are freely chosen , one can not then argue that in some cases they are determined by outside forces .
19 In Surere 's province , there had been many transgressions , despite the loss of privilege which was the only punishment he had dared impose , though there were rumours that in some cases he would have preferred to apply the death penalty .
20 There were rumours that in some cases he had .
21 After all , the postclassical position recognises that variability in human criminal motivations plays a part in accounting for the prevalence of crimes : it would not be too damaging to the overall position to allow that in some cases it plays the major part ( provided that the exceptions only constitute a tiny proportion of total crime — which would certainly be the case with sexual abuse of children ) .
22 Someone who gives this answer clearly takes it that in some cases it works , and we must not beg the question against him .
23 It is true that in some cases it happens that the recipient does not find the punishment painful , or even welcomes it — for example , some offenders might find prison a refuge against the intolerable pressures of the outside world .
24 Though it stated its hope that planning authorities would allocate sufficient land , it warned that in some cases it might have to take the initiative and , if local authorities refused planning permission , go to appeal .
25 He acknowledged that in some cases it could be hundreds of pounds extra but argued that people would still be allowed to go to law .
26 The last syllable is usually quite prominent so that in some cases it could be said to have secondary stress .
27 After an appeal at a Qualified Teachers ' Training Day money is now available to help those Teachers who have classes in this category as it is realised that in some cases it is impossible for these people to be asked for money .
28 In the birds , the brain has evolved so that in some groups it is comparable in size and complexity to that found in primates .
29 In April 1983 , teachers reported that in some areas they had not been paid for four months and 828 schools had been closed down .
30 I have watched famous conductors direct this music and I know just from looking at their backs that in some passages they are no longer in control , they are terrified .
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