Example sentences of "[conj] a [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In support of this argument he cited I.T.C. Film Distributors Ltd. v. Video Exchange Ltd. [ 1982 ] Ch. 431 , 441 where Warner J. held that where a party to litigation had obtained documents in contempt of court , the court should not countenance the contempt by admitting the evidence .
2 At least where a right to trial by jury exists , the courts are reluctant ( in cases where national security is not involved ) to allow the Attorney-General to side-step it by approaching the High Court for an injunction to stop the publication or for a declaration that the publication is unlawful : The Voluntary Euthanasia Society published a booklet entitled " A Guide to Self-Deliverance " which discussed the pros and cons of committing suicide and described in detail a number of efficacious methods for so doing .
3 So , avoid Koi with a pronounced ‘ hump ’ at the shoulder , or a tendency to rotundity .
4 Linguistics can not supply a key to the specific qualities of literature as such , or a guide to interpretation ; all it can do is provide the means for describing a text on the basis of a general linguistic theory , and therefore relate the text to the language as a whole in which it is written .
5 The defendant must then show title or a right to possession consistent with the plaintiff 's ownership .
6 There are still few Salvadoreans who advocate the view that a woman 's reproductive rights ( or a right to self-determination based on a knowledge of her own sexuality ) are fundamental to the development of a greater sense of autonomy and , in the long run , a wider political participation .
7 And if you 've got those skills apply to them job , I 'm not suggesting you do n't , but remember the first part of a , a tele , er a telephone or a face to face sales negotiation is , th th two of these and one of these .
8 That sort of killing was done by lighted petrol thrown through a window , or a kicking to death in a dark street .
9 ‘ The industry has caused the perception of Unix fragmentation itself , yet it takes only days or a week to port between an IBM and HP machine ’ .
10 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who erects or installs any article for use at work in any premises where that article is to be used by persons at work to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that nothing about the way in which it is erected or installed makes it unsafe or a risk to health when properly used . ’
11 A person who erects or installs such plant must ensure that the installation is not unsafe or a risk to health .
12 Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not , however , constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguise to restriction on trade between member states .
13 But so do many of the opposition groups here , entertaining a touching if economically illiterate faith in a third way which would involve neither reunification nor a return to capitalism .
14 One could not teach a chimpanzee to grow bananas nor a dolphin to farm fish , for these are quite alien to its mind set and require the foresight , the ability to see and plan ahead , which only man possesses .
15 Although a change to lumen negativity would be expected with active anion secretion our results are in accordance with those of Sachar , who found marked accumulation of water and electrolytes in the intestine of patients with cholera without alteration of the transmural potential difference in the small bowel .
16 The other reason we claim so often to be arguing about a matter of principle is that there is so little substance in many arguments that a reference to principle is necessary in order to sustain the argument .
17 I believe that a port to Unix using the toolkit will take less time and resources than our conversion to support Apple 's system 7 .
18 This and other work lends substantial support to the idea that a tendency to obesity is to a large degree genetic .
19 advantage of both , then I think that a solution can be found , and that a return to normality in the case of the conquered sufficient to render existence bearable , honourable , and even enjoyable , can be secured .
20 The union had repeated that workers were prepared to return to work using an agreed formula to resolve a grievance over lay-offs but that a return to work would involve workers pursuing individual contractual rights .
21 On the Rio Negro in Amazonia it apparently takes 80 years to reach half the mature biomass , suggesting that a return to forest is possible .
22 ‘ Moreover , it is important to realise that a commitment to animal welfare is consistent with striving to improve the overall condition of those individuals who have a welfare , both humans and other animals , even if this means decreasing the welfare of some .
23 He also points out that a commitment to equality implies also a commitment to a state which will push everybody around until they are equal — Procrustes was a figure in Greek mythology who forced all those he came across to become the same height , either by chopping bits off or by using a rack to stretch their legs .
24 ’ The concluding words show that a claim to contribution might arise under the Act of 1935 out of tortious conduct committed by two or more persons even though one or both of them may have committed a crime in the course of such conduct .
25 There is convincing evidence that a predisposition to alcoholism itself has a significant genetic component and therefore to examine the role of any genetic factors in predisposition to end-organ damage distinct from predisposition to alcoholism , any study should ideally include two groups of alcoholics , well matched for alcohol intake , with and without end-organ damage .
26 This remake of Jackie Mittoo 's Studio One organ classic is typical of current Taxi fare : subtle , gently rocking , and offering more than a nod to rocksteady , right down to the drum fills probably sampled from the original version .
27 Last year in particular , it saw the introduction of TV into Fiji as an opportunity to redouble its efforts to ensure that the medium is a positive influence in the country , rather than a threat to culture and moral standards .
28 Last year in particular , it saw the introduction of TV into Fiji as an opportunity to redouble its efforts to ensure that the medium is a positive influence in the country , rather than a threat to culture and moral standards .
29 Government bonds with less than a year to maturity .
30 This is the disastrous way in which they have trivialized the rich complexity of black life by reducing it to nothing more than a response to racism .
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