Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
2 In order to consider the proposal put to them by the management , the prospective providers of equity finance , and/or the providers of debt , and indeed the management in a management buy-in , will wish to see as much information as possible about the target .
3 3.3 Any goods and/or work rejected under Condition 3.2 must at our request be replaced or re-performed as the case may be , by you at your expense ; alternatively we may elect ( at our option ) to cancel this order as provided in Condition 10.2 both in respect of the goods and/or the work in question and of the whole of the undelivered balance ( if any ) of the goods and/or the remainder of the work ( if any ) covered by this order .
4 Because LTP is expressed as an enhanced response to single stimuli , it is processes controlling the rapid fusion of synaptic vesicles with release sites , and/or the formation of fusion pores , which are the most likely targets for regulation .
5 The release and/or the withholding of information provides an extremely strong power base .
6 After all , rape and/or the fear of rape is a real and constant part of women 's lives in a way that other cinematic staples , such as murder and mayhem , are not .
7 It could be argued that ‘ skunk works ’ might be useful in Quadrant 2 , but a special interest session of the Industrial Research Institute 1986 Fall Meeting concluded that such an approach is less likely to succeed when , for example , the project requires too advanced a technology and/or the transition to manufacturing is complex and requires very large scale-up .
8 Future coal gasification will probably take place in a gasifier — the Lurgi or the Koppers-Totzek for example .
9 ( d ) The warrant is necessary , for example , because consent could not be obtained for the search or the element of surprise is necessary .
10 The modern mode : either the devil 's mark or the snorkel of sanity .
11 May be fussy and irritable but not like the tantrums of Chamomilla or the touchiness of Hepar .
12 Or the link between inflation and unemployment may simply have been operating on a long lag , with the old , high NAIRU returning after several years to smack ministers in the face .
13 Other stones would ensure an engagement , the success of a marriage , or the easing of childbirth .
14 They do not reveal as much about the value of the relief received , or the degree of willingness with which it was paid .
15 It also implies that the over-ridden rocks may not have been subjected to the excessive burial or the degree of disturbance once assumed .
16 Some subjects , eg Psychology or Mathematics , can be studied for either the degree of BSc or the degree of MA .
17 However , certain special features of underwriting arrangements ( ie the proportion of the ultimate total liability assumed by an underwriter , the commission structure , or the degree of involvement of the underwriter with the offeror in connection with the offer ) may be such as to lead the Panel to conclude that a sufficient level of understanding has been created between the offeror and the underwriter for them to be treated as acting in concert .
18 Specificity or the degree of specificity of indexing , must be established during planning for the index and reviewed from time to time thereafter .
19 Although EGF was expressed to a greater degree in intestinal and fundic/junctional Barrett 's mucosa than in gastric mucosa ( p<0.01 ) , there was no difference between the metaplastic types of Barrett 's mucosa or the degree of dysplasia ( p=0.5 ) ( Fig 6 ) .
20 The University has placed firm emphasis on the development of an intellectually challenging and vocationally attractive postgraduate programme which provides students with the opportunity to gain a postgraduate certificate , postgraduate diploma , or masters degree following a taught course , or the degree of MPhil or DPhil by research .
21 So if you just look at this the arguments for er manufactured , or the increase in manufacturing er trade alright are exactly the opposite to erm , that explain the decrease in erm , the relative decrease in agricultural trade okay .
22 Because of this the investigators subsequently carried out a larger trial ( in 86 babies ) , which did not confirm either the reduction in haemorrhage or the increase in mortality .
23 Even here , some annual changes might be seen such as the amount of detritus that showers down from the ocean surface or the species of animal sheltering in the cave .
24 As the last name suggests , mild tends to be dark , either by using dark malt or the addition of caramel .
25 It can therefore be lost by waiver or the operation of section 47(2) , etc .
26 Like shape , scale can not be correct over the whole map , but some map projections can be constructed so that either the lines of latitude or the lines of longitude , or certain lines of latitude and longitude , have the scale correct .
27 So the dream becomes a symbolic expression of this conflict and what very often happens is the there 's a kind of compromise in which you go off and look for the bathroom or the drink of water or whatever it is you want , but the dream keeps postponing you finding it , in order to lengthen the dream and the state of sleep , so you go on sleeping for a bit longer .
28 They were so enthusiastic in the demonstration of the primacy of communal property and equality that they had no difficulty in taking in from Morgan much baggage which seems pretty unrelated to their previous concern ; for example , such ideas as matriliny or the significance of kinship terminology .
29 More widespread concern about bank credit risk or the imposition of credit controls on the banking system could stimulate the development of the market , but they are presumably not the routes through which the Bank of England would prefer development to take place .
30 In spite of trade union protests , not just by representatives of this union , but by representatives of a number of unions , all within my hearing , the public heard little about our vote winning policies for full employment , or a minimum wage , or decent rights at work , the Party said next to nothing in high profile terms , about child care or maternity rights or the exploitation of part time workers .
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