Example sentences of "[conj] the [adj] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 Vaulting was being developed all over Europe by the later eleventh century , but in Italy the wooden roof and/or the domical covering were the usual method .
2 For example the use of nuclear power in either the military or the civil sense is regarded as qualitatively different from non-nuclear power in its safety , control and management requirements .
3 These symptoms , often known collectively as hyperactivity or the hyperkinetic syndrome are dealt with more fully in Chapter Eleven .
4 Hence it is unlikely that one or the other constraint is truly redundant .
5 I kept my fingers crossed figuratively during the first few months of our acquaintance that neither of us would be sent elsewhere on a permanent posting — permanent until demob , that is — because I had seen quite a few promising romances nipped in the bud by one or the other partner being whipped away by the unfeeling powers-that-be , and when a relationship is developing you do need a few weeks of togetherness to allow it to mature .
6 The problem I must admit the problem that surprised me with overheads is that erm people ca n't write and listen at the same time , or the other thing is , you put something on an overhead th every bit of it gets written down which is why I adapted it so that you did .
7 It is assumed for the purposes of evaluation that either one or the other policy was implemented rather than both simultaneously .
8 With hindsight , I would recommend only one breeding pair to a tank , or the other fish are constantly being chased away from one nest or another .
9 I never see him move so fast , the other night or the other week were n't it ?
10 Many of them were extended to territories for the foreign relations of which either the United Kingdom or the other party was responsible .
11 Decisions of either the Council of Ministers or the European Commission are merely a means of enunciating policies or initiating actions .
12 This rule adds a consideration to those already discussed as being relevant to the scope of Ord. 53 , namely whether the High Court ( which hears AJRs ) or the alternative forum is more expert in dealing with the type of issue in question or better equipped to resolve it .
13 7.5.2 When the circumstances contemplated in clause 7.5.1 arise the Rent [ and Service Charge ] or a fair proportion of the Rent [ and Service Charge ] according to the nature and the extent of the damage sustained shall cease to be payable until the Premises or the Retained Parts or the damaged parts of either of them shall have been rebuilt or reinstated so that the Premises or the affected part are made fit for occupation or use [ or until the expiration of [ 3 ] years from the destruction or damage whichever period is the shorter ] [ ( the amount of such proportion and the period during which the Rent [ and Service Charge ] shall cease to be payable to be determined by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ) or ( any dispute as to such proportion or the period during which the Rent [ and Service Charge ] shall cease to be payable to be determined in accordance with the Arbitration Acts 1950 to 1979 by an arbitrator to be appointed by agreement between the parties or in default by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors upon the application of either party ) ] This provision should always be amended to include reference not only to the premises but also to the building of which the premises form part in the event that the premises do not stand alone .
14 They are therefore viewed as costs that can not be justifiably carried forward to future periods because they do not represent future benefits or the future benefits are so uncertain as to defy measurement .
15 There is no doubt about his commitment , or the Prime Minister 's , to that policy .
16 Like the fact that the plugs are the wrong size , or the electrical system is completely inadequate or , in the case of the Brighton Centre in 1988 , that there are many different ceiling heights in the exhibition area !
17 Since countries were obliged to maintain par values , it was possible for speculation to be carried out against the stronger and weaker currencies in the knowledge that the currencies concerned might be revalued or devalued respectively , but there was no danger of the strong currencies being devalued or the weak currency being revalued .
18 Either the campaign on the electronic media is n't as important as we are all led to think , so any bias does n't make that much difference , or the alleged partisanship is largely in the mind of the beholder .
19 Doing the best or the right thing is central to the definition of agape love , because it allows us to see that love is not some sugar-plum notion — it is an investment in the future as well .
20 There were some striking differences among the non-right handers with lesions of the right hemisphere , depending on whether the left or the right hand was used for writing .
21 Suitable markers include X-autosomal reciprocal translocations such as T ( X ; 4 ) 37H or the X-autosomal insertion Is ( 1n7 ; X ) 1Ct , both of which present a marker chromosome longer than the normal longest mouse chromosome ( see ref-17 for a list of such markers ) .
22 It was hard to tell , for example , whether the acoustic-phonetic component , the lexical component or the syntactic/semantic component was responsible for the elimination of a correct word .
23 So although a voluntary unanimity among participating citizens could certainly be regarded as an authentic expression of what all wanted as individuals , even that would not in itself ensure that the general good or the general interest was being realized .
24 It 's just a matter of er , i I mean all we need to do is , is , is sort out a sort of formal agreement with Elliel that , you know , and how , how the management company or the limited company 's going to sort of manage the place and th then we 'll er got to , you know , we 've got two people who 've got a , a very successful business they 're actually drinks ' suppliers , Morecambe Bay Wines and Spirits er , who are gon na come in and have er they 'll sign the cheque for the rent there and then , I mean it 's er it 's a matter of just th you know , all it is is , is they 're saying well , you know what actually is the formal arrangement ?
25 I 'm , I 'm rather disappointed that erm neither the Conservatives or the Labour Party are prepared to support a reasonable erm er reasonable plan because erm the , the Chairman is not certain plan which is represented by ourselves , Brian and Michael are routing very , very hard for a regional er airport whilst in fact that National Airport as passing along with a , a National Road er transportation strategy and everything else you can think of .
26 It is not in Smith 's interests , or the Labour Party 's , for Clarke to be summarily dispatched like some allegedly politically incorrect Daily Mirror employee .
27 The principal god of the Algonquin Indians of North America ; also known as Michabo , or the Great H are .
28 If the figures or the financial consequences are in dispute then that must be stated .
29 Another study from the divorce field by Hetherington ( 1979 ) also supports the view that provided the non-custodial visiting father is not ‘ immature ’ or the two parents are not in conflict , the frequent availability of the father is associated with positive adjustment especially with boys .
30 The Situationists ' rejection of the classical model of left-wing monumentalism , and their apparent lack of commitment to the historical overview or the grand narrative is consistent with postmodernism .
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