Example sentences of "[conj] set [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 He was claiming that next year his chairmanship would last a day longer than set down in the rules .
2 However , the most recent statement of our approach to the question of recognition , which is also likely to guide our attitude to the adherence of these countries to the United Nations , was that set out in the meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers earlier this week .
3 Of course it was challenged in the discussions , but the outcome is that set out in the Anglo-Italian paper .
4 a The form of a statutory notice , i.e. for Structure Plan and Local Plan intention to prepare/submission/modification should follow that set out in the Town and County Planning ( Structure and Local Plans ) ( Scotland ) Regulations 1983. ( 1983 No 1590 ( s. 149 ) ) .
5 The target far exceeds that set out in the 1990 Environmental Protection Act , which requires local councils to recycle 25 per cent of waste by the turn of the century .
6 But she achieved whatever she did against a massive public distaste for modern art , a fact well documented by Arnold and set clearly in the context of international and national attitudes .
7 For example , if you use what was the dining room for a work room/study as well , you should either have a round table which can be piled with books when necessary , a table set off-centre , or a drop-leaf table that can be pulled out and set up in the centre of the room as required .
8 Its audience was familiar with the statue which Charlemagne had brought from Italy and set up in the courtyard at Aachen .
9 Every generation is apt to see Christ in its own image and produce its own ‘ plastic Christ ’ , a picture of Jesus pressed through the sieve of its own assumptions and set solidly in the mould of its own values .
10 If you have a grievance relating to your employment , please refer to the procedure agreed by the Council and set out in the document attached to this statement of particulars .
11 She climbed onto the bike and set off in the direction from which she had come , gathering speed as she descended .
12 Schott decided to make a break for the main rendezvous point with Stirling , and set off in the 3-tonner with his men .
13 The Doctor pointed along the corridor , and set off in the direction indicated .
14 They left Margot to look after the children and set off in the car , heading for Gallanach .
15 She walked briskly out of the station , and set off in the direction of Bayswater , stopping every hundred yards or so to put down her dark blue Revelation suitcase ( a Christmas present from her parents ) and change hands .
16 Tess and Abraham dressed , led out the old horse Prince with the loaded waggon , and set off in the dark .
17 Dressed as cowboys , they climbed aboard their trusty steeds ( 's Datsun ! ) and set off in the direction of the County Hall in Exeter where they ambushed the staff and persuaded them to hand over their readies .
18 As she got out , she spotted a sign to the library , and set off in the direction in which it pointed .
19 Their leader had quiet words with the cardinal , who smiled , clapped his hands , and a green baize-covered table and two chairs were brought in and set down in the middle of the hall .
20 The ones appointed to do the job had never been very good at it , but he had heard a rumour that Horemheb was training a secret corps of police , answering to him alone but set up in the pharaoh 's name and in the interests of national security .
21 In addition , he confirmed that the previously scheduled municipal and regional elections would go ahead on Nov. 8 , that elections for a new Congress would be held on Feb. 23 , 1993 , and that he would not remain in office beyond his term of 1995 , as set down in the 1979 Constitution .
22 The basic cost of your holiday , as set out in the individual price panels includes the following .
23 In the last category fell four types that embodied the ideal qualities of physical form as set out in the ‘ canon ’ of Polyclitus : the diskophoros ( discus-carrier ) , the doryphoros ( spear-carrier ) , the diadumenos ( victor crowning himself ) and the hero Hercules .
24 Our present rules for its determination ( see Appendix 3 ) , as set out in the Book of Common Prayer , follow the Roman tradition whereby Easter Day is the first Sunday after the first full moon following ( or on ) 21 March .
25 The normal method of recovering the amount due is by application to the proper financial officer of the council , on the appropriate form of application as set out in the Regulations .
26 As the cost of funding a loan(s) fluctuates in the interbank market this is taken account of in the determination of interest rates payable by the borrower at pre-arranged reference date intervals of three , six or twelve months as set out in the loan contract .
27 The selection panel have to bear in mind the viability of the proposal as set out in the application form , the growth potential of the business , the capital cost of setting up and , most important of all , the commitment , enthusiasm and competence of the candidate .
28 The mayor is placed in his stall by the dean with these words , as set out in the order of service :
29 That settled upon by the Government , and as set out in the 1967 White Paper , Legislative and Constitutional Implications of United Kingdom Membership ( Cmnd 33021 ) , was to meet the problem by the adoption by Parliament of a self-denying ordinance .
30 The statement says that ‘ it is important when applying UITF Abstracts to be guided by the spirit and reasoning , as set out in the individual abstracts , so as to achieve their underlying purpose ’ .
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