Example sentences of "[conj] set [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Would a trust , for example to construct a public building or to set up a private monument , actually be enforced as such ?
2 Mrs Peysner hopes that the money will be used instead to improve day facilities for this group at other homes or to set up a mobile day unit .
3 Others have found it more advantageous to acquire a local bank or set up a joint venture with local banks .
4 Trotsky was more concerned to confront Stalinism and expose the bureaucratization of his regime than to set out an alternative model of non-bureaucratized government under socialism or communism .
5 It seems to be referring to a document that that that sets out the whole total quality process as far as the commission is concerned .
6 The er the county council came forward with these policies as a result of comments that er districts made a number of years ago and perhaps er over a passage of time erm makes at least validity your point but I I remain of the the view that there is in the there is nothing in the county structure plan that sets out the basic objective of protecting the countryside and still feel that 's a valid objective within the structure plan erm within the structure plan er context .
7 We need members need to get a grip on what is happening and my wife suggests this , that the panel erm rather than setting up a new panel , look at the whole issue of school meals , this and other issues .
8 It was obvious now to the World that America 's involvement had driven Kennedy into supporting a corrupt , totalitarian government because the US felt that stopping Communism was more important than setting up a democratic government in South Vietnam .
9 It was agreed that there should be further investigation into optimum methods of publicising such an event in the future , and it was noted that setting up a central diary of events might help to reduce the chances of conflicting or uncomfortably close dates for similar events being chosen .
10 The British Association for Shooting and Conservation says it will campaign against changes to current regulations , arguing that setting up a complicated bureaucracy to control shooting will only cause confusion .
11 Mr Major has said that setting up a Scottish parliament would lead to Scottish MPs becoming ‘ second class ’ , speeding the break-up of the United Kingdom .
12 It was a stupid thing , he thought , three gold baubles on springs that set up a continual motion , banging one against the other , and he kept it on his desk only to please her .
13 Both originated in a split in the nationalist movement of the early 1920s about the acceptability of the 1921 treaty with Britain that set up the Irish Free State .
14 Time stood still and suddenly there was only one focus — this mounting , spiralling pressure that set off a high-pitched singing inside her head and made breathing hazardous .
15 What a waste of time , we all know that the county council is the the highway authority and is fully responsible for traffic management , we 're in a minority and to set up a working party is a complete waste of time . .
16 to begin working on next year 's pay claim and to set up a working group to consider new strategies for the campaign ;
17 But Leeds City found a saviour in Mr J. Connor , secretary of the West Riding Football Association , who with four other local citizens decided to form a syndicate , with himself as chairman , to keep the club at Elland Road , and to set up a limited liability company .
18 The Government seems to be trying to destroy the education and health services in Britain and to set up an alternative system in which wealth rules .
19 Note that two terminals may be required for the Offline process : the Operator terminal and one other to handle normal LIFESPAN operations and to set up the Offline run .
20 Note that two terminals may be required for the Offline process : the Operator Terminal and one other to handle normal LIFESPAN operations and to set up the Offline run .
21 He said the Budget had two objectives in that respect : to support the recovery in the year ahead ; and to set out a clear medium-term strategy for bringing the borrowing requirement back towards balance .
22 The knighthood for Colonel David Stirling , founder of the SAS , who helped to try and set up a strike-breaking organisation called GB75 in the 1970s , may prove controversial .
23 Now those same partners gave their blessing to the idea of the two solicitors moving out of their own offices , and setting up a temporary Law Centre where everyone involved could get together and fight for the return of the children ; they would fight for justice , and ultimately a judicial inquiry .
24 Banks can thus cut costs by absorbing their leasing , factoring and other subsidiaries and setting up a unified sales team for many of their products .
25 Her first challenge will be trying to account for the project 's funding , providing health statistics and setting up a new bookkeeping system for the hospital that is simple enough for people to use when she has gone .
26 In 1990 a central government agency was set up as an instrument of denationalization of state enterprises , and a statute was passed regulating the issue of securities to the public and setting up a new stock exchange .
27 The Royal Commission on Justice has recommended changes to include curtailing a defendant 's automatic right to be tried by jury and setting up a new appeals procedure .
28 Act 4 of 1984 contained detailed provisions of unfair competition and was re-enacted by statute 86 of 1990 prohibiting ‘ unfair conduct on the market ’ and setting up a virtual equivalent of a monopolies and mergers commission .
29 It was reported that immediately after the close of the congress around 120 of these delegates began discussions on splitting from the Estonian CP and setting up a rival communist party in Estonia which would be subordinate to the CPSU .
30 In his first season at Upton Park , he became the uncrowned King of the East End , scoring 28 goals in his first season and setting up an unrivalled scoring partnership with Tony Cottee .
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