Example sentences of "[conj] turn [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The storyline has twists and turns to challenge the inattentive .
2 He stepped from the car and turned to slam the door .
3 She shook her head and turned to see the policeman by the bed grimacing at her .
4 Then he heard Madra 's despairing cry , and turned to see the enemy Myrcans surging on to the ramparts , their staffs swinging , cutting down the defenders like corn .
5 When the first beer had gone they ordered another , and turned to survey the inn .
6 Bronwen ap Bryn said , as she stroked her tattooed scalp thoughtfully and turned to leave the sick-bay .
7 Half convinced , she shrugged philosophically and turned to leave the apartment 's square entrance hall in which they were standing , aware of Luke following her into the luxuriously appointed lounge , a long elegant room which ended in sliding glass doors opening on to a balcony with a view she had spent part of the afternoon enjoying , pretty green parkland dotted with ornamental ponds linked by a winding , deeply cut stream that was spanned by the occasional arched stone bridge .
8 The Robemaker inclined his head and turned to open the silver door again , holding out one robed hand to indicate that Caspar should precede him .
9 ‘ Retribution may be delayed , ’ said Prior Robert , and turned to lead the way out from the scriptorium , his agitated shadow at his heels .
10 ‘ Right you are , my duck , ’ Lil said , and turned to get the order .
11 Cleo sighed heavily and turned to face the window .
12 The four men ventured farther out and turned to face the chair ; their wives hung back .
13 If the hook fails , continue the movement and turn to face the opponent with your guard raised .
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