Example sentences of "[conj] provide a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The lines remain constant almost as if in defiance at the narrowing down of life in the actual theme or to provide a strong medium for the subject of the weakness of old age .
2 More often it will be to establish some intermediate way point in the development path of a system ; in order to carry out a review , for example , or to provide a frozen issue for prototype system testing .
3 The choices facing the administration were to acquiesce in Soviet domination of Korea , to provide aid for south Korea without assuming excessive commitments , or to provide a full guarantee of defence and support for south Korea .
4 The government does not encourage investment in industry , even in training the workforce or providing a long-term investment bank .
5 None of these operations , however , was strong enough to take on the role of nurturing talent or providing a supportive home for creative filmmakers .
6 You had an anonymous female voice , which I assume belonged to Brenda Kelly , the producer , occasionally asking a question or providing a short commentary , but usually the people who appeared on the programme spoke for themselves , to camera , about their music .
7 In most cases it is also useful to develop a statement of the primary task of the enterprise , based on a neutral assessment of what is actually happening or is being achieved ( such as making motor cars , or providing a specified service and so on ) .
8 The advent of more examples of non-medical clinical directors may well reduce this concern , as will the development of specific service contracts where each group will have committed to buying or providing an agreed package of care and support .
9 Griffith-Boscawen introduced in 1912 a Bill to make improvement grants for rural housing , a proposal that provided a Unionist response to Lloyd George 's Land Campaign .
10 I was watching from a deck chair by the pool of my health club , on the top floor of a highrise that provided a panoramic view of all Paris .
11 The interests that provided a consistent source of inspiration throughout his career , botany and oriental art , developed while he was still at the School of Design .
12 But Aberdeen 's persistence was eventually rewarded with Paatelainen 's golden strike that provided a welcome victory .
13 Rank , however , seems to have been taken unawares by a move that provided a disastrous demonstration of how ineffective he was in protecting the interests of the American companies .
14 General courses have so far been defined in mainly negative terms , as ones which are neither geared to a specific external profession or occupation nor provide a specialized preparation for postgraduate research and , implicitly , an academic career .
15 In these few paragraphs we have not been able to do more than provide a sketchy summary of these rich concepts .
16 John Major will need to do more than provide a discreet crossing from worthy words to anti-social acts .
17 It was a very low-budget British picture , shot at Pinewood studios in black and white and sought to do little more than provide an entertaining hour and a half or so , with a topic to which a great many people could relate — National Service .
18 In practice the express remedies were actually in many cases fairly limited , so that the effect of such guarantees was rather to avoid the manufacturer 's liability than to provide an additional remedy .
19 It replaces arms that provide a simple resistance ratio , with much advantage .
20 Technology that can liberate the handicapped Paul Bray on the range of keyboard devices that provide a new lease of life
21 Tests to determine drug concentrations are expensive and take time , but cheap , rapid screening tests are now available that provide a qualitative answer within one hour — for example , by fluorescence immunoassay on a urine sample .
22 What is interesting for our purposes , however , is to highlight those factors that provide a common thread within this body of work and which serves to identify the writers as working within a tradition of liberalism .
23 The human eye , which is but an extension of the fingertips , enjoys travelling not only along a line but also between two that provide an open roadway .
24 Such a definition tries to indicate an approach , an attitude , rather than provide a litmus-paper test .
25 Rather than providing a rounded history of the revolution , historians with libertarian sympathies have concentrated on various specific themes in the revolution .
26 In the view of general manager Alan Sinclair , most agents in Britain lean too heavily towards the mass marketing of packages rather than providing a proper travel service .
27 Initial experiments by Heather Reed , an ex-PhD student funded by MAFF , showed that providing a single nest site for a group of four birds was insufficient .
28 Capital expenditure creates an asset that provides a lasting benefit such as a school or a house .
29 WWF are pleased to announce a Membership Scheme that provides a wide range of benefits designed for teachers by teachers .
30 Far from overruling the TAC 's views , these much smaller committees are concerned to work closely with a committee that provides a broad base for their own more limited discussions .
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