Example sentences of "[conj] put it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Half bury the log or timber in soil in a part of the garden where it will stay damp , or put it on a shaded window-sill in a plastic container ( ice-cream carton ) .
2 Place the joint in a trivet over the tin , or put it on the oven rack directly above the roasting tin , so that the juices from the meat ‘ weep ’ into the potatoes and onions .
3 ‘ So only the person who served the lobster or put it on the plates could have poisoned it ? ’
4 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
5 Or put it in a left-luggage compartment somewhere . ’
6 Put in a bowl or put it in a plastic
7 • The UNIPOT needs the minimum of cleaning , to keep its good looks simply wash in hot soapy water or put it in the dishwasher .
8 stick it in your pocket for next time or put it in the bin .
9 I might be going swimming at lunchtime today so I could probably run up there or put it in the post if I go .
10 So even if ministerial loyalties make it hard to admit it , he probably shares the apprehension which haunts many others as they contemplate this Bill : that though , at the end of the day , quantity will increase , quality will diminish ; or to put it in a form of words which trips easily off Conservative lips on other occasions — that More is going to mean Worse .
11 I mean given that you 've got a , oh I do n't know , a pound you 're going to spend a week in gambling entertainment , if I could put it that way , you 'd do better to go in for the pools , because if you did have a win you might have a big one , than to put it on a horse — am I right ?
12 But the mature work reveals also a deep sense of enjoyment and at times a poetic intensity that puts it in a very high class indeed .
13 It 's a model train with a price tag that puts it in a league of its own .
14 I could tell he was pleased with himself but a bit scared , just like when he used to keep the half-crown Father gave him on Sundays , rather than put it on the collection plate .
15 The owner of the estate , American John Kluge , agreed in principle to sell the estate to the crown rather than put it on the open market , but he did not consider the resulting offer to be high enough .
16 Now cover your whole head with a towel and put it over the steaming bowl so the towel forms a ‘ tent ’ to catch the steam .
17 ‘ Take one of the strips of plaster from my arm and put it over the girl here 's mouth .
18 She got the thin iron frying pan from the shelf and put it over the heat with some fat in it .
19 Annie whipped off her apron and put it onto the table drawer , while calling out , ‘ Ask the gentleman in , Lydia . ’
20 Grate the rind from one of the grapefruit and put it into a baking dish , together with the shallots and wine .
21 " Take 1 pint of very thick cream , and put it into a fine damask cloth , previously dipped in strong salt water , and tie up .
22 Not until the two men were out of sight did the highwayman turn his horse and put it into a gallop along the track that passed near to the hollow where Seb and Melody were kneeling .
23 I TOOK the little cinder that was the remains of the wasp and put it into a matchbox , wrapped in an old photograph of Eric with my father .
24 and , and put it to and put it into a deposit , you know this , this building I want , at the back , there 's , there 's nothing there , pardon ?
25 Peel and core the fruit , cut it into crescent-moon slices and put it into the dish .
26 Now Barbara has gathered her comprehensive knowledge of the Southeast 's furnishing and decorating scene and put it into the second edition of The Ideal Home Design Sourcebook .
27 ‘ Maud , ’ said Miss Hardbroom , ‘ would you please remove that frog from the jar and put it into the box in the cupboard ?
28 Having been placed on to three lengths of webbing , six men would be required to lift the shell and put it into the case ; the webs were then cut , as it would not have been possible to withdraw them .
29 She got the revolver off the back seat and put it into the glove compartment with the cartridges .
30 Taking the roll of tools out of my stout and well travelled haversack , I unscrewed the plate with only a little difficulty and put it into the haversack .
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