Example sentences of "[conj] because it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Undertaking an obligation to obey the law is an appropriate means of expressing identification with society , because it is a form of supporting social institutions , because it conveys a willingness to share in the common ways established in that society as expressed by its institutions , and because it expresses confidence in the reasonableness and good judgment of the government through one 's willingness to take it on trust , as it were , that the law is just and that it should be complied with .
2 On the whole speculation is frowned upon because it sometimes drives prices up in a monopolistic fashion ( through the cornering of some market ) and because it creates volatility ; yet where the speculator is a skilled trader in risks he is part of the system .
3 Entry to this body was much sought after by wealthy young men , because of the prestige it conferred and because it guaranteed proximity to the Emperor .
4 The old system had fallen into disrepute because of its widespread use as a tax dodge , and because it encouraged conifer planting , but it is recognised that grants are not as effective .
5 And because it makes use of the speed of light for complicated parallel interconnections , it can still handle the large volume of calculations — or weighting as it is called — involved in the learning process quickly .
6 Franco reacted in this way not because Yagüe 's attitude posed any real threat to his position , but because it represented indiscipline .
7 It led to impossibly puritan attitudes , a crusade against the enjoyments of the artisan , onslaughts on the bullfight , not because it was cruel , but because it wasted working time ; it supported an attack on charity as an anti-social habit , which merged with the bleak belief of later liberals in the virtues of competition .
8 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the encouragement of savings is important not simply because it gives security to the saver but because it provides funds for investment in the future of our country ?
9 A major problem is that many people visit a wildlife site , not because it is one , but because it provides access and a car park .
10 It makes sense for this alternative establishment to be pro-European , not only because it is in tune with the music Jacques Delors is making , but because it sees Brussels as a counterpoise to London.This is why it has been pointless to question the sincerity of Kinnock 's conversion to Europe .
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