Example sentences of "[conj] may [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The model for this part of Marx 's theory therefore seems to be a system in which an imbalance between two parts may lead to compensatory adjust-ments at other levels or may lead to a major reorganisation of the whole .
2 It is also true that there may be some doubt whether the privilege against self-incrimination can be used as a shield to prevent a process being set in train ‘ which may lead to incrimination or may lead to the discovery of real evidence of an incriminating character : ’ see Sociedade National de Combustiveis de Angola U.E.E. v. Lundqvist [ 1991 ] 2 Q.B .
3 Thus , directors may receive substantial compensation for premature termination of their employment contracts , or may benefit from a ‘ golden parachute ’ , that is , a contractual provision authorising a generous additional severance payment in the event of take-over .
4 The physiotherapist may sit or stand in front of the patient , or may kneel on the plinth behind him , according to the type of guidance she intends to give him .
5 The amount of such compensation is equated to a fair share of the economic benefit which the employer has derived or may derive from the invention which the employee conceived and developed .
6 They may be unable to afford appropriate housing , or may live in an area where such housing does not exist in the private sector , and thus would look to the local housing authority to solve their housing problem .
7 A defendant to any action may wish to dispute all or part of the liability asserted by the plaintiff , or may disagree with the amount claimed whilst admitting liability , or may wish to dispute the claim and make a counterclaim against the plaintiff .
8 As the child that comes or may come from a sexual encounter between a man and a woman differs from the child born from that man and some other woman ( or from the same man and the same woman on another occasion ) , so every genuine poem is the unique product of one unrepeatable encounter between the artist and an unearthly partner who may be called ‘ Muse ’ or ‘ goddess ’ .
9 The person from whom documents are requested may , where appropriate , deny that he has possession , control or custody of the requested documents , or may object to the exhibition and copying of the documents , in accordance with the rules of the Convention .
10 The difference lies in the object of the work , that is , they minimize the damage that may arise as a result of entry into the care system and to restore vulnerable families to ‘ good-enough ’ personal and social functioning .
11 It includes provision for any obligations that may arise as a result of the management agreements relating to the sites of special scientific interest .
12 An obvious example is the contradiction that may arise between the requirements for parental affection , on the one hand , and status with peers , on the other .
13 The DRO can follow up a placement to discuss any problems that may arise between the disabled worker and his employer .
14 The problems that may arise from an individual pupil 's needs must also be addressed , and possible solutions proffered .
15 The nature of the problem can be illustrated by giving a few examples of the types of conflict that may arise in a financial conglomerate .
16 Before looking further at the way this assumption was developed , it would be useful to clear up a confusion that may arise in the use of the category ‘ positivist criminology ’ .
17 Staff who are capable of giving assistance on any problems that may arise in the use of the system should be available on the telephone at any time during normal working hours .
18 And I particularly draw members ' attention to top of the second page where you are requested to indemnify Age Concern for any redundancy costs that may arise in the future .
19 On the shores of the lake , or on one of the little islets that may form in the middle of it , they build their lodge , a great dome of sticks , poles , branches , reeds and mud within which they have their living chamber .
20 A few precautions are advisable to eliminate any risk that may exist in a domestic situation .
21 But plunging enthusiastically into a too strenuous programme is often an extremely painful answer that may result in a period of enforced rest !
22 In T.acidophilum , stretches of oligo-T preceded by a relatively stable stem and loop structure that may serve as a termination signal was found downstream from the 3' of the 16S rRNA coding region ( 3 ) .
23 Care must of course be taken with gases that may react with the glass , salt windows , or sealants .
24 Recognising that the apparently low incidence of the sudden infant death syndrome was difficult to explain wholly in terms of currently recognised risk factors , we sought to identify other differences in infant care practices that may contribute to the lower incidence of such deaths in Bangladeshi babies .
25 Other motor abnormalities of the oesophagus that may contribute to the development of reflux oesophagitis are diminished peristaltic pressure amplitude , shortened duration and slowed propagation of the contraction waves , reduced peristaltic frequency , and delayed oesophageal transit .
26 In this way , Nagata found an intriguing connection between programmed cell death , auto-immune and hereditary disease that may lead to a deeper understanding of these diseases in humans .
27 This is not good practice as it leads to confusion amongst users with an increased possibility of errors that may lead to the very problem the procedure was trying to avoid .
28 PETERBOROUGH manager Chris Turner is considering quitting over the coin-throwing incident that may lead to the club being charged by the Football Association .
29 Defective gastric acid secretion predisposes to abnormal small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and recurrent enteric infections , both conditions that may lead to the development of persistent diarrhoea and malabsorption , resulting in malnutrition and growth failure .
30 Do I stop any discussion that may happen at the sharing ?
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