Example sentences of "[conj] any [prep] you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Now er , before I put the resolution to the vote er , er , I 'm sure that all of us would welcome any comments or suggestions or questions that any of you might wish to put to us here .
2 Do you imagine that I could forgive and forget , knowing what I know now , or that any of you could meet my eye , knowing what you do ?
3 Yes erm and er I think in the course of that we will have learned a lot of lessons the er that 's not a facetious comment , it 's true er the the first time you write er a software programme erm and any of you will will have experience of this , it takes a long time to get it right .
4 So , if any of you would like to come and see us at the salon we will both be there and very happy to see and answer any of your questions .
5 O K so if any of you could make because it 's one more interesting psychological ploys in the play , there are n't very many of them are there ? comedy I suppose I 'll play behaviour .
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