Example sentences of "[conj] could [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , if the latter did not want to be represented or could easily apply for judicial review in person , there might be no good reason to accord standing to a self-appointed representative .
2 The failure of Soviet nationalities policy , however , was more than a personal failure ; it also reflected the failure , over more than seventy years , to devise an official theory that could adequately account for ethnic and national differences , and perhaps a still deeper weakness in a doctrine that insisted working men ‘ had no country ’ .
3 He knew about Lamarck 's theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics , but dismissed this as a secondary process that could not account for the whole range of adaptations ( he must also have been aware of the strong opposition to Lamarckism from Owen and the conservative forces in science ) .
4 This specific and complex test was required , the experts say , because the Cusiana rock is quite variable , a condition that could not allow for the application of routine technology to asses well productivity .
5 Would not the worst thing that could possibly happen for any of our constituents or patients be for the Labour party to come to power and abolish competitive tendering ?
6 The problem that could therefore arise for surveyors choosing incorporation is how to safeguard themselves against changes in ownership and control .
7 Implicit in the rhetoric of those who campaigned for stiffer age-of-consent legislation ( and the campaign went on into the 1930s to raise it above 16 , even to 21 ) was the assumption that young working-class girls were ignorant and defenceless and could not decide for themselves .
8 The women at the corner-shop remarked upon the change that had come over him , and could not account for it .
9 ‘ He was really looking forward to being a father and could not wait for the birth .
10 I phoned two people who are particularly close and could n't speak for tears .
11 A year ago I experienced a sensation of flashing lights and could n't see for about 20 minutes .
12 Newton 's theory could account for falling objects , the operation of siphons and liftpumps and anything else that Aristotle 's theory could explain , and could also account for the phenomena that were problematic for the Aristotelians .
13 According to Sakhat Muradov , Chair of the Turkmen Supreme Soviet , the new council 's supervisory role would not weaken presidential authority or the Supreme Soviet 's legislative function ; it was empowered to rule on " the most important questions " of economic and political life in Turkmenistan , and could also call for changes to the constitution and express no confidence in the President should he break the law .
14 Furthermore , he could leave the manor if he so wished , and could therefore negotiate for better terms from the lord by threatening to go if the latter refused concessions ( 79 , p.31 ) .
15 Thus HIV probably causes gastrointestinal dysfunction ; furthermore HIV is the only intestinal pathogen which is frequently found even at stages II or III and could therefore account for the occurrence of gastrointestinal symptoms and mucosal abnormalities at early stages of the disease when other potential causes are rarely detected .
16 Nevertheless he always remained undaunted and could hardly wait for the winding up of his previous effort before starting to plan its successor .
17 He reckoned that he would by then have far outflanked any cordon thrown up by his enemies , and could safely make for a phone .
18 The form used was complicated but could not compensate for the deficiencies of information about a population that was still highly mobile and still undergoing the stresses of war .
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