Example sentences of "[conj] see [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 But rather than seeing Gloucester as a weak independent power eclipsed by a strong court connection , one should probably , as in East Anglia , think of him as part of that connection .
2 But rather than seeing Gloucester as a weak independent power eclipsed by a strong court connection , one should probably , as in East Anglia , think of him as part of that connection .
3 And at the same time , it owes its very existence to an alliance of social forces that sees government as the instrument of social domination — whether by a ruling class , a small party or tribal elite or a coalition of either with the bureaucracy of the state .
4 They certainly help to enhance a perspective that sees Faustus as a pawn between two more powerful forces .
5 What can you say of a system that sees people as a problem ?
6 The antithetical models of design 's significance that we possess today , all of which contain implicitly or explicitly a view of " design-and-society " relations ( for example the view that sees design as merely the activity of commodity shaping , or the view that sees design as the activity which alone allows us to organise consciously the meeting of material human needs — which " involve things or usable products " — in forms consonant with and conducive to particular kinds of social relations or ways of life … ) contain also , naturally , a view of what design is .
7 It was important for this connection that the model of biological evolution used should be one that saw change as the cumulative product of the actions of individual organisms over many generations .
8 Through Brian Way 's influence a new kind of college course was emerging that saw drama as the basis for the students ' own personal development .
9 It 's just those few , committed capitalists that see profits as the only , the only motive to be on this earth , that seem to be , was was they seem to have the influence in this in this country , and and like er , I 'm I 'm hoping that this er , er British Government objection to the Court of Justice does fail , as as is er suggested it may do , erm , and let's let's hope it does , and let's hope that we get this er , implemented .
10 There are strong indications from those bureaux that see counselling as an integrated part of advice work that counselling does not extend interview times .
11 In the US there is a general call for dentists to become more holistic and to see dentistry as an integral part of health rather than treating patients as walking sets of teeth .
12 Causality is here contrasted with indeterminacy : either one pretends that the origin of psychological peculiarities is known and that it has the force of explanation , as in classical psychoanalysis , or one chooses to relinquish this concept and to see identity as a matter of discontinuity and flux .
13 Edmund has always loved and seen Fanny as a sister and now that his eyes have been widened to see Mary Crawford 's actual character he looks at Fanny now as his future wife .
14 But it is important to recognize , as has been mentioned , that Oakeshott does not adopt the Burkean idea of tradition as providing stability and sees tradition as a contingent , fluid process .
15 As a result , Japan now wants revenge and sees peace as the best way of getting its own back .
16 But Moses does not show much faith in God 's willingness to fulfil her duties , and sees death as the only way to find release from his burdens .
17 Systems theory is a more modern perspective upon organisations and sees organisations as a system interacting with the environment within which they operate .
18 Twenty years ago people argued about definitions but they did not really disagree about a system of values which centred the individual 's worth in a family context and saw counselling as the social worker 's core skill .
19 Unlike the continental European ecologists , Clements was working within a system that emphasized practical rather than pure research and saw science as a way of controlling the economy as a whole .
20 ( b ) to be able to appreciate the interlinking of everything and the force of cumulative evidence , and that what is done and learnt in school can not be divorced from what happens outside ; ( c ) to appreciate that religion challenges head-on any view that regards knowledge as something only arrived at by reasoning and scientific experimentation ; ( d ) to be concerned about conviction for or against religion , but to be open to evidence and to experience — not to have the answers all neatly sewn up , but to see life as a journey of exploration with exciting prospects and a sense of fulfilment in actually moving forward and , if necessary , changing in order to accommodate fresh insight .
21 Sukenick has also gone on record as seeing writing as an essentially adversarial activity : ‘ When I grew up , I grew up with an idea of writing as a form of resistance to the establishment and culture at large ’ ( Sukenick 1985 : 139 ) .
22 Some biologists go so far as to see DNA as a device used by organisms to reproduce themselves , just as an eye is a device used by organisms to see !
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