Example sentences of "[conj] who [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After reading some of the comments from people who saw the game or who listened on the radio , the above seems to be about as true reporting as you 'd expect from the NOTW .
2 At a nearby door , half in the house and half out of the house , they found the body of her boyfriend , Jamie Saunders , who was 22 and who lived at the house with his mother .
3 The pharaoh had thrown out beliefs held for two thousand years , rejecting them as superstitions , and replaced them all by a single god , whose spirit could not be contained in images , whose love extended to all people , and who lived in the power of the sunlight .
4 Without question its most enthusiastic supporter was Sir Walter Runciman , whose ear , and whose confidence and friendship , Wilson had first gained in 1887 , and who had in the interim become a considerable steamship owner and a source of radical thinking within the Shipping Federation .
5 Hunt , who became a BBC commentator after retiring , and who commentated on the weekend 's Canadian Grand Prix , died at home in Wimbledon , south London .
6 The former employee , who was the plaintiff and who sued for the payment to him of commission under the first part of the clause argued that the proviso could be severed and that therefore the obligation of the defendants to pay him such sums remained .
7 He miscalculated badly , forgetting the Tsar 's pride , which made him unyielding in his claim to be protector of the Greek Christians , and the reaction of the Sultan , who was weary of being pressured by the Powers and who feared for the security of his Empire .
8 If a bill of lading was issued either by a carrier or by its employee or agent whose authority included receiving goods and issuing bills of lading , the carrier was liable for damages : a ) to the owner of the goods covered by a straight bill of lading ; or b ) to the holder of an order bill who gave value in good faith , and who relied upon the description of the goods or upon their shipment on the date shown .
9 He pushed his bicycle up the hill from Wheatley station in the company of another new student who had a strangely similar background : of nonconformist origins , with his father an official of a nonconformist Church ; a young man who postponed his own confirmation into the Church of England because his parents might be hurt ; and who swung at the university from his very Protestant background into a sense of the devotional stature in Anglo-Catholicism , and into convictions which never left him for the rest of his life ; a graduate of Balliol College , by name Austin Farrer .
10 A detailed exploration of the area has succeeded in locating the headquarters of the rebel leader who led the revolt of 66-70AD and who fought alongside the Masada rebels for several years .
11 And who went to the racecourses ? she wanted to know .
12 A contemporary of Gundulić was Junije Palmotić ( 1606–57 ) , a Ragusan noble who lived for a time in Bosnia , and who drew upon the Slav folk tales as well as on contemporary Italian and ancient classical traditions for the abundant outpouring of songs , satires , verse epics and dramas which he composed .
13 And who paid for the extra deliveries ?
14 The work with patients who had the delusion of being watched , and who spoke of the watcher as another person in terms like the following : ‘ He is waiting for me to go now ’ , or ‘ He thinks I should do such and such ’ , had first led Freud to suggest that a part of a person 's ego can keep watch over another part .
15 They have lent forms and skills even to the great serpent who beguiled Eve , who swallowed Jonah and who wrestled in the wilderness with the young man from Nazareth .
16 ( One of the uplifting consequences of the riots was the overshadowing of the visit of Mr and Mrs Michael Gorbachev , who arrived on the Forbes jet ‘ The Spirit of Free Enterprise ’ aka ‘ Capitalist Tool ’ , and who repaired to the ranch of the man in ample measure responsible for the riots , where the Russian couple were given cowboy hats . )
17 The party also nominated the head of state ( currently Mathieu Kerekou , who assumed office in 1972 and was most recently re-elected in August 1989 ) , who was elected by the Assembly for a five-year term and who presided over the National Executive Council .
18 For the many professional librarians who were employed by the banning authorities and who disagreed with the ban , the direction contained in Section 2f was virtually impossible to follow .
19 Louis Cha , the Hong Kong member who devised the system , and who resigned from the Drafting Committee in protest against Tiananmen , believes that the referendum would go in favour of democracy , but that the waiting-period would allow Hong Kong people to get used to new political responsibilities .
20 In Toronto on that homeward trip I first met Ernest L. Bushnell who had come into radio as one-quarter of a male quartet and who rose in the ranks of Canadian radio until he became the top executive of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation some years later .
21 Eliot describes how working men who went to the music hall to see Marie Lloyd and who joined in the chorus were performing part of the business of acting , collaborating with the artist in a manner essential in all art , most obviously ( for Eliot ) in dramatic art .
22 They are certainly artists of proven worth , but who came to the fore twenty or so years ago .
23 Not least of this chairman 's social misdemeanours was that he tried to introduce a special charge for members who missed the meeting , but who came to the pub afterwards : ‘ Imagine it : jackboots in the YCs ! ’
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