Example sentences of "[conj] make [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those engaged in this process would be well advised to remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson : ‘ If a man write a better book , preach a better sermon , or make a better mousetrap than his neighbour , though he build his house in the woods , the world will make a beaten path to his door . ’
2 If women 's lives were often painfully limited , it was possible to find or make a better self in the mirror .
3 An example is the 1975 pay award in BR , which had already been through the RSNT when the Prime Minister Harold Wilson intervened to press management to resume negotiations and make a higher offer ( see ch. 9 ) .
4 Ours were led on a policy led planning process which was driven by the needs of , which are clearly identified in the an anti poverty strategy which is designed to protect the services , the jobs , to regenerate the local economy and make a better place to live and for children to grow up in .
5 The boffins down at War-U-Like have invented a new toy ; a high-powered supa-dupa combat aircraft that can outfly and outblast anything in the air , and make a bigger noise doing it .
6 Look at plants from all angles to determine how they can be used — maybe you could remove the petals and make a smaller flower with just a few of them ?
7 She opened the bag , took out the handkerchief and made a louder noise than before .
8 Lynall Urwick put forward a counter-argument that a wide span of control had been possible in this example because the work of the merchandising managers did not interlock , and so the need for coordination and integration was not present : this reduced the burdens of supervision and made a wider span of control feasible .
9 ‘ Thomas , Thomas , ’ Gwendolen moaned quietly to herself , and made no further bid for the limelight .
10 The ICA saw ‘ no great merit ’ in the suggestion ; but Touche Ross supported it and made the further recommendation that each firm appoint a finance partner .
11 For variety and to make a longer walk you can try the three circular walks which leave the towpath at various points .
12 Azmaveth nodded , but made no further comment .
13 He did not answer , and Murtach raised his eyebrows but made no further comment .
14 Old Mel answered with a grunt but made no further reply .
15 Oh dear me so I 'm hoping that the system that I give you will allow you to deal with all those situations as well as make a longer presentation where you do have some preparation time .
16 The first skirmish over the national security issue came at a closed hearing on Jan. 11 when it was reported that the prosecution had accused the lawyer of one of Noriega 's co-defendants of improperly disclosing classified information when making an earlier request for access to National Security Council records .
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