Example sentences of "[conj] give [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Total disablement from engaging in or giving attention to profession or occupation as specified on the policy schedule .
2 If the Policyholder has a valid claim under item 5 — Total Disablement from engaging in or giving attention to profession or occupation — any medical expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the disablement are covered up to 15% of the total amount of the weekly benefit paid during the period of a claim e.g. if a total of $1,000 in weekly benefit had been paid , medical expenses up to $150 would be covered .
3 I will quote some specific figures that give credibility to amendment No. 7 .
4 Plasticisers are the molecules that give clinginess to clingfilm and make other plastic wrappers soft and flexible .
5 Hallowell ( 1950 , 1956 ) went on to argue that the emergence of culture was due to a novel psychological structure rooted in the social behaviour of the gregarious primate that gave rise to Man .
6 In both countries , the class relations that gave rise to nationalization have been reflected in the continuing ethos of ‘ progressive ’ public sector industrial relations and the notion of the ‘ good employer ’ , manifested in relatively good sick pay and pensions , ‘ humane ’ handling of redundancy , and so on .
7 If not , obtain an office copy of the application that gave rise to entry , which will supply not only information as to what is the protected interest but also as to who is the individual claiming protection and his or her conveyancer .
8 This is defined as : A state of visual acceptability , related to the absence of dirt , where the level of dirt remaining neither significantly impairs nor prevents the function of the area or equipment in it nor gives rise to contamination of food .
9 Precisely where , within the lexical procedure for reading aloud , should we locate the defect that gives rise to surface dyslexia ?
10 Meditation is that process of mental digestion that gives rise to understanding which integrates the energies of mind and will in a desire for God which is prayer .
11 That 's right , but , but you know that it 's only the , are only one of the major supermarket chains that gives money to organization and one of the organizations in Glasgow there was an article in the Scotsman or the Herald the other day and I must n't quote names because I can be wrong , but one of them and there were major s major stores selling food as well as actual food retailers cited , but only one of them will give food that 's past its sell-by date or surplus or whatever for one of the Glasgow charities for the homeless .
12 These results suggested that open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters are unstable , and that initiated complexes are stable enough to resist the heparin challenge and give rise to elongation complexes .
13 Such teaching is not simply with the object of enlightening the mind or to satisfy curiosity , but to mould the personality and give direction to life .
14 At the same time , however strong the desire to cut defence costs and to give priority to home affairs , too much had happened since the mid-1930s for the United States to return to its prewar foreign and defence policies .
15 they 're not putting money into delegated budgets now , I , I , I was a teacher , a head teacher and I was told that the erm , the essential , the educational departments finding more money for devices and to give advice to school , now , they 're all unnecessary as it is , I would say , we are the ones that carry out the job , we 're on the ground , we 've got to do it .
16 The method relied heavily on prior survey , which was supposed to reveal the directions which the plan should take , the plan being essentially of allocating land ( zoning ) , establishing patterns of communication , ensuring open space provision and giving coherence to community grouping .
17 The general principle is that net gains can be made by identifying and giving effect to decomposability amongst the organization 's activities .
18 Mr. Gordon stumped off the field , holding the two pieces of broken club and giving vent to language ill-befitting the lay-reader son of a clergyman — ‘ my best bloody driver , my best bloody driver . ’
19 Pople has been instrumental in setting up computer programs like Polatom , Hondo and Gaussian and giving access to computer graphical methods for representing simple molecules .
20 As the struggle progressed he came to see the inadequacies of the term and realized that it was too constricted in its meaning and gave rise to confusion and misunderstanding .
21 As the sound of their giggling chatter reached him on the wind , his amusement faded and gave way to loathing .
22 The tension in her slackened and gave way to curiosity as she pulled out instead a gold-embossed card .
23 Until the present century water transport was of great importance in the fens and the lock at Jesus Green was the highest on the River Cam and gave access to Quayside .
24 In Parsons ' view , the modern family deals only with the socialization of children and gives stability to adult personalities .
25 About wet conditions that may be dangerous but give rise to regeneration , and scorched ones that appear daunting but may lead to growth . ’
26 It is ICI 's policy to manage all of its activities so as to give benefit to society , ensuring that they meet relevant laws and regulations ; that they are acceptable to the community at large ; and that their environmental impact is reduced to a practicable minimum .
27 The focus of attention is upon whether the national law could be interpreted so as to give effect to Community law obligations .
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