Example sentences of "[conj] give [pron] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhere in this range , too , are those coincidences that give us an eerie spine-tingling feeling , like dreaming of a particular person for the first time in decades , then waking up to find that they died in the night .
2 There are some special features about the Klasies River Mouth site , which this book draws attention to , that give it an important place on maps of the prehistoric world .
3 If that did n't work , it was more logical to let her express her anger in the safety of her mother 's arms than to give her an irrelevant bottle , dummy or biscuit .
4 Capitalist economic relations were established in the countryside through the ‘ enclosures ’ , where land became the private property of landowners and the rural work-force was stripped of the land-use rights that gave them an independent source of subsistence .
5 It was proving to be an ideal choice of holiday with a programme of free activities that gave us an easy opportunity to make friends with the guests form other nations who gave the Club such a cosmopolitan atmosphere .
6 Such stories would have made a lasting impression on my father and given him an early interest in Abyssinia .
7 To make Christmas a truly memorable occasion for you and your guests , I 've taken some of the traditional dishes and given them an exciting twist .
8 ‘ Should be , should n't there ? ’ said Joe , who 'd put his new jersey on and given himself an expensive look .
9 Sean took his eyes off the road long enough to turn and give her an astonished look .
10 The high subsidies offered by the UK government to Nissan and by other European governments to encourage Japanese investment gave rise to fears that the Europeans were engaging in ‘ beggar-my-neighbour ’ subsidy policies , which would benefit the Japanese and give them an unfair competitive advantage when compared to existing producers .
11 On the next page we show how easy it will be to pile on the pounds tomorrow — and give you an alternative diet for the day .
12 The most vociferously opposed union maintains that all the problems could be solved were the government to remove the PTT from the financial tutelage of the finance ministry and give it an independent budget .
13 The man was elevated and screened-in like an auctioneer , to deter attack and to give him an overall view of every part of the shop .
14 The aim is to reduce the ranks of the young unemployed who now account for more than half the nation 's two million jobless and to give them an added skill which will help them find work when the training is over .
15 Mr Bevan said Allen hired the two youths by promising them £100 and giving them an extra £10 to buy petrol .
16 She looked across the courtroom , saw her mother , and gave her an unhappy smile .
17 He slipped an arm around her waist and gave her an affectionate squeeze .
18 Afterwards she went back to Emma and gave her an expurgated version .
19 He showed concern for her and gave her an old , baggy sweater of his to put over the other garments .
20 The woman at the door raised weary , gold-lidded eyes and gave her an anonymous welcoming smile .
21 He paused and gave her an intense look that revealed a little of how it had been for him .
22 Thanks also to the kind young woman with two young children who helped me on the train and gave me an orange drink .
23 She named him Albert , and gave him an insatiable appetite for ropes .
24 Finally , on the sixth lap , Mass got around Brundle at the end of the long pits straight , and gave him an old-fashioned chop as he turned into Moises Solona Corner .
25 She replaced the receiver and gave him an apologetic smile .
26 It was the young Scots ' first win in four outings and gave them an outside chance of qualifying for the latter stages of the championship .
27 The light westerly breeze strengthened as we travelled north and we hoisted a large mainsail , borrowed from our 32-foot cutter which set well on Viking 's stubby mast and gave us an extra knot .
28 — It is my great resting place , that you are well : truly it is more than health to me , and gives me an untroubled fancy which is good for my work and my temper .
29 and this is your alternative route and gives you an alternative way to go round to get passed it
30 It is avarice that enhances a jewel and gives it an artificial beauty , but the stones of the sea are valueless so their beauty is real .
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