Example sentences of "[conj] then [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 This led , they argue , to a situation where decisions were made by the elite at the top of the management hierarchy and then fed down the line of command .
2 of it and then get up the A twelve
3 I worked right through it and then looked up the proper translation , which was at the end of the book .
4 At the gangway he hesitated and then ran up the bank after them .
5 He would stay for just an hour or so and then gather up the equipment and disappear .
6 The firm organized catering at the Glasgow exhibition , the 1889 Paris exhibition , and then took over the catering at Olympia and the Crystal Palace .
7 If your engine is fitted with a viscous coupled cooling fan and the viscous unit is faulty after running the engine fast for a short time and then slowing down the fan continues to spin freely and even speeds up .
8 This means that you do n't have to wait for WSP to read all the text on any page and then edit out the unwanted bits , but can tell it exactly what you want read in the first place .
9 When all construction has been completed in accordance with the diagrams , check all interwiring etc. carefully , set the rotary switch to ‘ 2 Minutes ’ and then power up the unit .
10 She hurriedly rubbed herself dry , and then put on the dress Bryce had taken from the wardrobe .
11 Paul has just that transformation in mind when he tells the Ephesians to put off the old self , be made new in the attitudes of their minds , and then put on the new self , ‘ created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness ’ ( Eph. 4:20–4 ) .
12 Breeze read this through three times , and then put out the light .
13 To measure a ship 's speed , medieval sailors used to throw a log on a length of knotted rope over the side and then count off the knots .
14 Trees cut her view for part of the way and when she could see the street door leading to her flat she noticed a man dawdling by , looking up and down the pavement and then strolling back the way he had come .
15 She 's acting more naturally to the gusts , leaning out and then easing out the sheet .
16 I just want to take and then blow up the tower .
17 The entire band dropped into the valley beyond us , and then proceeded up the Bitterroot .
18 Asik was glad to get a drink ; it did not matter to him if the water was dirty or clean , he was thirsty and gulped down as much as he could , washed his feet and then filled up the water jug .
19 It is as if surveyors had worked out what they were going to do and then laid out the plan on the landscape , ignoring the difficult topography of the area .
20 Wakelate examined Cleo 's tense posture with apparent embarrassment , and then blew out the sizzle stick with a mournful expression .
21 Drag and Drop , a facility to move and copy text by selecting it and then holding down the mouse button , is now included .
22 This chapter illustrates some attractors : these static illustrations are a poor substitute for watching the trajectories approach and then wind around the attractor , and for following the sequence of bifurcations ( changes in type of attractor ) as a parameter is changed .
23 Turner was arrested after the first offence but released on bail and then carried out the second offence .
24 To copy these onto your artwork , draw the outline of the area in tape or dry transfer lines , and then fill in the middle with either wide dry transfer lines cut to size or use two coats of matt black enamel paint applied with a fine brush , and allow to dry .
25 If piping a solid row of stars , pipe a row of alternate stars first , allow to dry and then fill in the gaps with a second row of stars .
26 Eight students and four staff from Knowsley Community College in Huyton will travel to Greece by minibus and then drive over the Albanian border in two old ambulances packed with hospital equipment .
27 And though the visit could have given him an opportunity to kill his father , and then drive down the next day to discover the body , that was the one crime which every logical motive screamed against .
28 The man dressed , put on his shoes , stood up , and then bounded up the bank into the field , followed by the dog .
29 Rose helped Maggie to write away for the forms and then to fill in the forms when they came .
30 Vincent would enter houses and tell exhausted women to go and rest , and then take over the family wash .
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