Example sentences of "[conj] go off [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Simon then had the agonising decision as to whether Wizard should stay or go off to pastures new .
2 So you too would assume quoick transformation we 've got a geometric progression in here that goes off to infinity alright which is equivalent to that , that little thing alright , we 've got three parameters here this one , that one and that one , alright , so we converted what is an infinite stream into a finite stream using this er , quoick transformation .
3 Nathan gets and goes off in search of somewhere quiet , clutching a toilet roll and anxious anticipations .
4 Between leaving school and going off to war with the Navy , he had worked on the Sharpness tugs for British Waterways .
5 Gone were the days when she could just get up in the morning , make coffee , leave a note for Mrs Bennett and go off to Brentwoods with , maybe , the anticipation of quite an exciting day .
6 She had a private word with Iain in the after cabin , then put her anorak on over her dress and went off to bed , escorted by Captain Freddie .
7 She married a cousin and went off to Norfolk and had ten children and ran a large household .
8 But Jamie longed for adventure and , while still a boy , he joined the crew of a boat at Ayr harbour and went off to sea .
9 But Charles dithered and went off to sea .
10 She could n't eat any of her meal and went off to school where she had to sit alongside Mr Clark 's daughter .
11 Back in Frenchay , Caroline , who has never got things out of perspective , changed out of her special Palace outfit and went off to choir practice as if nothing had happened .
12 ‘ From what I understand , you broke off your romance with him and went off to university to pursue your qualifications .
13 what he wanted to do and and then he got a reasonable pass and went off to university .
14 Taskopruzade and Mecdi assign this event to the reign of Bayezid I ( 1389–1402 ) , saying that as a result of a quarrel between Molla Fenari and that sultan , the former abandoned his posts and went off to Karaman where the emir gave him a salary of 1,000 akce a day and each of his pupils 500 akce a day .
15 During the war he sold his interest in his galleries and went off to war ; following this six-year closure he reopened the Hans Road gallery but decided not to reopen the American galleries ; it was hard enough to get the good material for one shop .
16 But while he has anguished over his role in life , to the point where it would surprise no one if he just threw in the towel tomorrow and went off in search of obscurity , Steffi appears to have suffered no such agonies and self-doubt .
17 Having emptied the citadel of gold and silver he left Limoges and went off in search of new sources of pay for his mercenaries .
18 Usually I took my bicycle and went off in search of friends who , like me , were too full of energy to want to rest .
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