Example sentences of "[conj] go on [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I remember wondering if it would be better to go back to the West End , for another fare , or go on to Liverpool Street .
2 He would n't have attacked architects or gone on about ecology .
3 Er for the Conservative group er we agreed with our colleagues from the other side er the need to install by very close integration on public transport with anything that goes on at Heathrow er I was
4 Thing about this programme it is so it is so crucial to everything that goes on at Radio York while it is happening , they eat in the other room that 's how much er interest there is they eat in the other room .
5 All of these initiatives as well as the day to day work that goes on with safety representatives at the workplace , supported by officials all of these initiatives are aimed at improving standards at the workplace and we are also contributing to the fourth action programme in Europe where they are setting out their action programme which will take them into the next
6 I took the mid-afternoon express to Valladolid that goes on to Salamanca .
7 No , I could tell you a really boring joke that goes on for ages .
8 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
9 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
10 However , this is the party that goes on about unemployment as though it had a good record on unemployment .
11 As Carolyn recalls : ‘ It was pretty normal procedure that goes on between girls .
12 But something about your comments worries me a great deal , and that 's the fact that many women tutors , you say , have been looking at this issue , but they have n't looked at the major part of the issue , which is from the students ' perspectives and the problem that goes on between students .
13 Well erm there 's a lot of there 's a lot of abuse that goes on between kids of similar ages , often in schools , and we call it things like bullying .
14 In the seemingly endless , and to male ears repetitive , chatter that goes on among women … a massive and encyclopaedic confidence is built up in the gossipers … gossip serves exactly the same grooming functions for the women as poker for the men …
15 It is not so easy to change the playmates when they are brothers and/or sisters ( siblings ) , and many parents tell me of their concern about the seemingly incessant feuding that goes on among brothers and sisters .
16 In between were the Americans ‘ who are responsible to a degree for the professionalism and hustling that goes on around town ’ .
17 Well it was erm , making me go back to something that goes on in branch all the time .
18 So much for the handwringing about the decline of the political process that goes on in Washington .
19 I mean , there 's so much that goes on in prison that people do n't know about , which they should .
20 But then I thought ‘ Driven By You … ’ and ping ! the lights went on ; I thought of it as the power struggle that goes on in relationships .
21 It is in each individual 's interest to defend its place in the ‘ peck order ’ vigorously , as well as to challenge those higher up — hence the almost continual challenging that goes on in goat society .
22 Yet the British Government was responsible under Clause 75 of the Government of Ireland Act for everything that goes on in Northern Ireland .
23 I mean , you get the lowdown on stuff that writers never get , because you 're working with these people and you get the real story — not the stuff that goes on in books and magazines .
24 As Jeffrey Richards showed in the first of three talks on Sexuality in the Middle Ages ( Radio 3 , Monday ) , you can always get past a lack of obvious data to find out the sort of thing that goes on in bedrooms .
25 But within this complete chronology we can discern some processes and states of affairs that are comparatively brief , others that last for an intermediate length of time , and some that go on for centuries or even millennia .
26 ‘ Most people consolidate their information periodically and report it on a monthly basis : they tend to have huge consolidation exercises that go on for days .
27 Erm , we do work together , where we share a common agenda , and we find that we share common policy positions , and there are a lot discussions that go on about policy questions between environmental N G Os , erm , and also like any N G O that 's pressed for time and money , we work together where actually it can be justified by the results .
28 Nearly all the undesirable changes that go on in food after it is harvested make it less pleasant , or decidedly horrible , to eat .
29 I do n't mean helmeted sentries literally do patrol the walls by night , I do n't mean even that anything 's actually been seen , but the things that go on in people 's minds are realities , and do influence events .
30 How aware is it of the trading data that is collected , the way in which trading or order cards are filled in , or the pit trading practices that go on in front of its pit officials ?
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