Example sentences of "[conj] go on for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Verbal presentations often fail because the speaker tries to cram too much into too short a time , or goes on for far too long .
2 But what 's the point of holding a meeting that goes on for more than twelve hours ?
3 There are the inevitable distilleries : an industry that goes on for ever .
4 And Deviation 's ‘ Hammond Song ’ reminds one of the music they have in those appalling films about surfing that go on for ever , except with a dance beat .
5 oh I 've had a bit of a day or erm ooh , whatever it is , and erm I said to myself I am making allowances for being tired and getting , getting on a bit , you know , and that went on for quite a while actually until I said to myself I 'm making up allowances you know , I 'm
6 The applause that greeted them was like a thunder clap and went on for so long that the Girls could not hear the music and had to count under their breath to synchronize their kicks .
7 Broadly speaking , sound was good but Mr Ponor felt the sound of the carriage at the beginning was a little distracting and went on for too long .
8 These began around 1947 and went on for about two years .
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