Example sentences of "[conj] what [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was this — you have now , or should have , at least a sovereign left out of your monthly pay & what survived of the 15/ from the Bank ; so is it not best to send it all to me at once ?
2 The group — all males — were wearing either knee-length shirts or what looked like the jackets and trousers left from the last church jumble sale .
3 Wearying though the journey had been at the time — even humiliating in respect of his being drawn in a litter — in retrospect it seemed full of excitement , a time when one knew not what would happen next or what lay around the next corner .
4 We forget the allegorical point of the story ( Babylon engulfing disobedient Israel ) , we do n't much care whether or not Nineveh was saved , or what happened to the regurgitated penitent ; but we remember the whale .
5 Naturally neither the NSA nor GCHQ will discuss the subject since such telephone tapping is illegal but in 1976 the NSA 's Harvest computer system intercepted 75 million individual telephone conversations alone around the world , of which 1.8 million were considered sufficiently interesting to require further human analysis , although what happened to the information the NSA had collected and how it was shared and used remains a mystery .
6 The Minister has said that what happened with the NBC is nothing to do with him but is for the Secretary of State for Transport to consider .
7 What was I doing , in the late twentieth century , arguing that what happened in the first century was of relevance to whether or not I could be a deacon .
8 President Eisenhower took the view that what happened in the states was really a matter for each state to decide .
9 For the citizens of Attica ( at least in classical tunes : it is remarkable , and sad in its implications for the vitality of deme life , that deme decrees are rare after the fourth century ) deme routine was more immediate , though no doubt objectively less important , than what happened on the Pnyx .
10 If you are starting from scratch , or just , decide what has to be bought and what improvised in the way of seating .
11 What gave rise to the protest of the intelligentsia , and what lay behind the revolutionary protest of its extreme wing , was the lack of opportunity afforded them by tsarist society .
12 Models are not the real thing , and what looked like the something from the future world of Dan Dare on the cover of the new Eagle comic was to be and feel quite a different slab of concrete .
13 Masklin could see a curtain , and what looked like the edge of a chair .
14 Dalgliesh glimpsed the ornate red-brick front of the local chapel , one or two prosperous-looking houses with Dutch gables , a small close of recently built , semi-detached boxes with the developer 's board still in place , and what looked like the village general store and post office .
15 To the side of the sink , under the draining-board , were half-empty sacks and bags which contained cereals , wood shavings and what looked like the sort of seeds you feed to birds rather than the ones you roll with tobacco .
16 Buried beneath a fretwork of ancient planks , polythene sacks , and what looked like the treadle off a sewing machine , she saw a scruffy hessian-wrapped parcel .
17 And what became of the caretaker 's bitch ?
18 Humans clomped slowly around the train and what remained of the truck .
19 Last month , Mr Rocard caused a great frisson of excitement to run through the deeply-dejected Socialist ranks by calling for a political ‘ big bang ’ to allow the creation of a new centre left movement consisting of progressive-minded Communists , Ecologists , Centrists and what remained of the Socialists .
20 And what emerged from the response to the article is that reincarnation is no longer seen as the domain of cranks and weirdos .
21 And what happened at the changeover , did they just fire you all and then reinstate you ?
22 And what happened to the seal ?
23 And what happened to the real nun who left Gascony ? ’
24 She must wait months , if not years , for an interview with an Entry Clearance Officer at a British diplomatic mission on the Indian subcontinent , go through endless interrogations about such subjects as the colour of the family 's goat or the number of rooms in the house she lives in or how many guests there were at the wedding and what happened on the wedding night .
25 Movies were life and reality , and what happened in the murderous streets an absurd nightmare .
26 And what happened in the forest outside Godstowe ?
27 Most of the lights in the underpass had been kicked out and what showed of the green and white tiling had been generously sprayed with graffiti , Hendrix and Are Gay Militants Limp Fisted ?
28 Jailing Storrie for seven years , Lord Coulsfield said : ‘ The robbery by itself would have been a serious matter but what followed in the shape of the sexual assault was a quite extraordinary and vicious episode . ’
29 But what became of the Kleibers ’ furniture — and the dinner-service ? ’
30 But what happened to the others , I have no idea . ’
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