Example sentences of "[conj] she [modal v] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 She could imagine it all back at Les Hiboux — was already planning out loud where she would place the various pieces , while Rohan and Monsieur Pallon exchanged indulgent glances , and settled the details of how and where it was all to be delivered .
2 After a hearty cooked breakfast the next morning , Meryl hurried to the hall to find a good seat where she would get the best out of the professor 's lecture .
3 Sloane introduced her to Isaac Rand , the Demonstrator of Plants at the Physic Garden , who advised her to live near it where she would find the plants needed and where she would certainly have met Miller and Ehret .
4 She had fallen with such a thud and her shoulder ached painfully where she 'd hit the ground .
5 She has the capability and most importantly , a very long career ahead of her , where she can become the Seles of 1993–94 .
6 She lies in an open corner of the churchyard , where she can breathe the air from the moors .
7 He sat her down at the table , where she could feel the warmth of the fire after her bath .
8 So while Maria Candida retched and wailed and dabbed at her nose in the cabin , Sara spent most of her time up on deck , either with Dom Alfonso , who was acting as Dom João 's agent , or — on the calmer days — further for 'd , where she could watch the porpoises leaping round the bows and listen to the creak of timber and the wind in the rigging .
9 The underground was still working , and brought her near the church , where she could see the crowd and the candles outside .
10 She made some coffee , and went out on the balcony in her cotton housecoat , where she could see the sun rising from behind the dark hills , and the slopes slowly become bathed with light .
11 Later the mother , having taken a housekeeping job where she could have the child with her , wrote to the father to let her have the child and the £1 per week .
12 So she begged Jack to let her go for a swim , as it was so hot that day , out to the reef , where she could find the weed she needed in fresh , young supply .
13 ‘ Dana should be ready now ; I 'll tell her you 're waiting , ’ she said , wanting only to gain the privacy of her room , where she could release the tears that were threatening .
14 If the said Member of Parliament is not selected as the prospective parliamentary candidate at the special meeting referred to in paragraph ( b ) above to be the prospective parliamentary candidate , he or she shall have the right to appeal to the National Executive Committee on the grounds , and only on the grounds , that the procedure laid down in these rules and the general provision of the constitution and rules have not been properly carried out .
15 Two methods tend to be used in this type of kidnapping : the woman may impersonate a nurse , giving the mother a bogus reason for taking her baby out of the room , or she may take the neonate from the nursery when nursing staff are not in the immediate area .
16 Or she may describe the interior of the home as difficult to clean :
17 The galley behind her has pushed her in , and she 's got to change course and then turn , or she 'll overshoot the entrance to the harbour .
18 There are times when the teacher might impose restrictions by asking , for example , for ‘ all the blue balls to be put into the basket ’ , or , ‘ all those wearing red to fetch their coats ’ , or she might ask the children to sort a collection into just two piles .
19 In all cases , after stating the purpose of the report , the head teacher needs to set out clearly the decision he or she would advise the governors to take .
20 Before issuing an Order under the Act , he or she must consult the appropriate council , and though not obliged to take their advice , is obliged to publish it , and to give reasons if it is rejected .
21 He or she must provide the Panel with all the available information , making sure the social background and other reports are to hand .
22 ( 2 ) If the transfer contains covenants to be observed by the buyer , he or she must execute the document in order to be bound , and seen to be bound , by its terms .
23 Once a member of the clergy has been appointed he or she will visit the home to make arrangements , if they have time , which many might not .
24 This reinforces the likelihood that he or she will smack the child again in similar circumstances , so that it tends to become a way of life .
25 It is the child who refuses to abandon Dreams — who stubbornly persists in believing that he or she will explore the depths of the Amazon , or will become a film director — who becomes the adult who will achieve those ambitions .
26 He or she will note the proceedings and advise members of the Panel on procedural matters and on points of law where necessary .
27 ‘ If you have not had an invite yet — chase your manager for one , he or she will have the dates . ’
28 That is , it is sometimes found that when there is a part of a person 's life which is difficult or impossible to control , he or she will channel the need to exercise control onto some other aspect of behaviour such as food intake .
29 There would therefore be no chance of a person claiming part of the value of their benefits , knowing that , at a later stage , he or she could have the difference made up from means-tested assistance .
30 She could n't swim , so that left her with only two options : she could stay where she was and wait for whoever was lurking there to reach out of the darkness — but with her nature that was unthinkable — or she could run the gauntlet .
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