Example sentences of "[conj] she [be] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But if , by any chance , the reporter 's wife or husband also happens to be an Environmental Health Officer somewhere else , and happens to know that he or she is going off to do an interview , and say , ‘ Hey .
2 Did she tell you that she 's going back to Shropshire ? ’
3 Anne Marie and that girlfriend that she 's going about with today .
4 Seeing that she 's going off to sleep , I thought she 'd like that little dog cos that 's furry .
5 Obviously a married woman ca n't just get up from her chair at that time of the evening and announce that she 's going out .
6 On the but she said erm that she were going away and I could work , cos the lessons finish on a sa start up there on a Thursday , she said , if I work Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday and I could have Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday off .
7 Rain motioned to Oliver that she was going upstairs .
8 And just as she was feeling sure and secure , a smile becoming a real part of her as she gloried in the feeling growing between them , Lucy gave her to understand that she was going away for three weeks .
9 And of course , when Corrie left , changed into her new suit , her mother , emotional after the ceremony , had had another little upset at the fact that she was going away too , just when she needed some comfort for one daughter 's departure .
10 He said , cos you caught me , that she was going away this morning but I 'm not really bothered , I 'm not .
11 ‘ I heard you go to her room — after so cleverly reassuring me that she was going nowhere . ’
12 Naturally she had not wanted to go out with him , but both her mother and father stressed how nice it was of him to take such an interest in the fact that she was going off to university and wanted to take her to the pictures as a treat .
13 At four o'clock , she told her new secretary that she was going home .
14 During the afternoon she worked hard and realised almost with dismay that she was going home not to a comfortable evening by the fire but to yet another Lenten service at which her uncle was to be the preacher .
15 Emily left me , mouthing as she went out of the door that she was going back to the office .
16 Tight-lipped , she told him that she was going back to Arden post-haste .
17 He knew , because in a town the size of Plumford everybody knew these things , that Hubert Molland had been given a combined parish a few miles outside Plumford , and that the Mollands were now living in Champney Crucis ; he knew that Kate had left school and was now doing something at the technical college ; and , more importantly , he had heard from Joe that she was going out with the local MP 's youngest son , whose name was Julian and who drove a Triumph Spitfire .
18 On a sudden impulse she declared to her father that she was going out .
19 With a brief announcement that she was going out , she grabbed a waxed jacket from the hall and ran out to the Volvo , her stomach in knots as she unlocked the door .
20 going round anyway so she 's going round as well
21 and she 's going round , she 's gon na try and take them to court !
22 this is , well this is it right , she 's in the canteen , she 's , and she 's going right and putting on this really stupid laugh , right , and I said what 's wrong ? , she goes , she goes , she goes , she goes , right she , and iffy , this how bad she , she was faking , you know like this she goes , she goes , no , no
23 ‘ Daisy 's got into some sinking mud and she 's going down fast . ’
24 Well if he 's going out and she 's going out , who 's gon na look after the children ?
25 Erm , and sh she she was at the party when he , and she was going away , that was it , and she said , said to Wallis , will you look after David for me .
26 She went down Wednesday she had to go late because the builder does n't come very early so she did n't go to B and Q until the afternoon , and she was going around , or Do-it-all , one of them , she was going around looking around and then as soon as she looked out it was half past five !
27 And she was going on !
28 And she was going through and she knew them and er she was going into I it was her second year bio-chemistry exams on the bus and she 's got a bi a text book on bio-chemistry and she 's reading the introduction bit before you even get into proper bio-chemistry and Michael s look leant across and said , what on earth are you doing ?
29 And she was going upstairs to turn the bed down she 'd done it for
30 Yeah cos er Jim had just come on duty and she was going up in the lift with somebody and they said please can we have five pounds , your mother 's just had her hair permed
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