Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] n't [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although she did n't quite know exactly what that entailed , he looked so depressed she murmured words of sympathy while her heart went on singing inside .
2 Had pier alone , Carrie knew , than when she was with them , and although she did n't really mind this , it made her feel lonely this particular day .
3 She apologized for skulking out of the way so shamelessly , she thanked me for saving the life of their beloved dog who was now prancing around with the children as though nothing had happened , and she finished with the regret that she had n't even asked me my name .
4 He 'd secured her with practised ease , and so fast that she had n't even been aware of it happening .
5 Bits that she had n't even known existed .
6 With resignation she felt the colour steal into her face , and knew he would n't believe her even as she tried to explain that she had n't even seen the rings but had been absorbed by the ornaments .
7 Why it should suddenly be important to prove this to a number of people that she had n't even met , she did n't stop to question , and she firmly suppressed a naggingly persistent image of Tom Russell and Marise Wyspianski last Saturday all dressed up for the annual Christmas ball given by the Coronation Hospital board .
8 She 'd been so immersed in the music , letting it wash over her , uplifting her , that she had n't even realised that the car had turned into a short driveway to stop outside a luxurious chalet-type building set in a clearing of beech trees .
9 And the fire went straight to a place deep inside her body that she had n't even known existed until this moment .
10 Was there another element in the equation that she had n't even considered ?
11 Lindsey closed her eyes on the shocking realisation that she had n't even given it a thought !
12 The tears , and this tiny little thing within her that she had n't even known was there .
13 It felt , despite the new clothes , that she had n't quite made up her mind .
14 ‘ That nice lady sat there explaining to me that she had n't long to live .
15 In her heart of hearts Celia knew that she had n't really come to terms with her condition at all , but she could n't say so point-blank to Alison .
16 Clara had actually heard one constant church attender , caught out donating a small charitable sum to the Vicar , defend herself to Mrs Maugham by saying that she had n't really meant to give it , and that she never would have given it if it had n't been that her little boy had just given up Sunday school .
17 But the rest of me ignored those details and clutched hungrily at the reassurance that she had n't really played a willing part in my humiliation .
18 Lisa did vaguely remember , now that Kerry mentioned it , but she 'd been so absorbed in what she was doing at the time that she had n't really paid a great deal of attention .
19 It was n't her reaction that I was wary of , it 's just that she does n't even know how she made her children so how was she going to understand what I was trying to tell her !
20 so that she does n't so we get nothing for
21 I 've , I 've never ever known him to iron anything ever since I 've been you know , little , I 've never seen him iron anything but me mum was in fits because he 'd even ironed the socks so she said she did n't have the heart to tell him that she does n't usually bother with the ruddy socks , but er the thought was there was n't it ?
22 It 's the sort of question that a man and a woman might very well give different answers to , but it seems to me that there are different sorts of things that erm some women tend to notice , different sorts of ideas that tend to assume prominence in the imaginations of some women , and erm to that extent I think that George Eliot 's sympathy for other people , including people that she does n't actually agree with , is perhaps a characteristic that one might tend to find more in a women novelist than in a male novelist , although I 'm not sure that one can be absolutely dogmatic and say that one would never find a male novelist who could write the way that George Eliot does .
23 It is not the fact that as soon as she arrives she wants a drink which makes her alcoholic , it is the fact that she pretends that she has n't already had one by replacing ‘ the bottle ’ and by washing ‘ out the tumbler at the sink ’ .
24 what she 'd collected by saying that she has n't really gone to any
25 How could she explain to this man that she did n't even know their full names , let alone their addresses or telephone numbers ?
26 It occurred to her that she did n't even know that it was Veronica 's house ; why on earth had n't she checked Directory Enquiries to make sure she was still living there ?
27 Hurt that he could think she would do that pest of an interview through Lubor , she was certain then that she did n't even like Ven Gajdusek — much less was she attracted to him !
28 What Karen did n't realize , in her moment of cheap triumph , was that she did n't either .
29 As far as Simon knew , the late-night callouts were an occasional part of the job that she did n't much like , but said that she felt she had to do .
30 Anne realized that she did n't really want to leave she 'd just wanted a happier home .
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