Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of September the adult birds begin their long migratory journey south across the Atlantic where they will winter in the tropical seas of South America .
2 A number of courses give students an opportunity to go on a short relevant placement in an organization outside the University , where they gain experience of the world of work and in applying the skills they have learnt .
3 The alleged killers finally drove to a field near Burton Salmon , North Yorks , where they set fire to their car and escaped on foot .
4 On the other hand , contracts will only provide sufficient evidence where they give rise to a ‘ firm commitment ’ : the reporting entity 's obligation resulting from the contract can be enforced by an external party , and the circumstances are such that if necessary it will be so enforced .
5 Article 85 is concerned with the operation of restrictive practices , where they affect trade between member states .
6 Workers react in two ways to this occupational situation which infantilises them : some become bored which results in them becoming accident prone , or they develop hostility against those whom they feel have condemned them to this and withdraw into themselves .
7 Pupils often volunteer to continue after school with their project and practical work or they take advantage of links which the Department has built up with local industry and further education establishments .
8 Although they receive notification from education of the intention to assess a child , they are uncertain of their role , and so , with other pressing priorities , they tend not to give it high priority .
9 Including ACT , they pay more UK tax than they make money in the UK .
10 Those with more goods than they have need for their own consumption will sell to those who have insufficient goods for their needs .
11 However , these statistics probably underestimate the extend of middle and upper-class criminality to a much greater extent than they underestimate crime in general .
12 Mackintosh ( 1960 ) draws attention to an important aspect of the annual vertical migration that many species follow ; dispersing northward at the surface in summer , their descent to 400–600 m in winter ensures that they return south in the southward-flowing waters at those depths .
13 They oppose the proposed changes for political reasons , believing that they form part of the task the prime minister , Michel Rocard , has set himself to reform public sector industry — reforms that many to the left of Mr Rocard believe to be inherently unsocialist .
14 Bank liabilities are different from other financial intermediaries ' liabilities in that they form part of a nation 's money supply whilst these other institutions must maintain accounts with banks .
15 They are alike in that both form part of a single entity-identifier ; this is reflected in surface syntax by the fact that they form part of the same noun phrase as their head noun .
16 there are certain principles that are clearly at the heart of the Constitution , parliamentary sovereignty being the prime example , but there are many provisions , be they expressed through statute law or the writings of constitutional experts , that are of constitutional significance but on which there is no clear agreement that they form part of the British Constitution .
17 These forms of repetitive and obsessive behaviour become so ingrained in the horse , that they become part of the horse 's ordinary behaviour even when it is not bored .
18 Yet what they seem satisfied with is that they initiate contact with the lawyer , and not the other way round , as and when they think he or she is needed .
19 Mr McGrady said : ‘ It is important that farmers receive this premium as it is the time of the year that they take land in conacre . ’
20 Bile and bile salts inhibit motility and it has been proposed that they take part in the putative ‘ ileal brake ’ mechanism .
21 Part of the problem is that Americans are so used to seeing slick TV presenters on the small screen that they take exception to watching badly-dressed businessmen who lack the skills of professional performers .
22 Careful experiments have made it clear that they take note of the geographical features below them and when leaving their home loft they circle above it as if refreshing their memory with one last look before departing .
23 There is good evidence that they take note of the position of the sun , but birds released on an overcast winter 's day when the sun was invisible still returned .
24 It also makes it clear that those artificial targets can be revised and that should be the focus of our campaign to make sure that they are revised , to make sure that they take account of the real concerns in the real world .
25 Listening to many of the conversations which make up my data , one has the impression that they take place in a climate of " linguistic tolerance " , where many different degrees of " Creoleness " and " Englishness " are accepted .
26 The difference is that they take place within an agreed plan and programme .
27 The law demanded that they attend school for the few hours they were not in the theatre , but time spent on education was minimal as the pantomime was so popular that there were matinées most days .
28 I mean with this exhibition that we 've booked ‘ Just the Job ’ , which is black women erm and the kind of jobs that they 've got , a large percentage are carers and erm and it is the thing that erm women feel that they can do and it erm in a way that it comes out of their role in the home , the caring role , and erm and it 's a role that they get sort of erm trapped into and it does n't pay very much money , as Brenda was saying earlier .
29 In Uzzell 's opinion , ‘ companies now want their investment in computers and telecommunications to relate to business volumes ’ as a way of ensuring that they get value for money .
30 It must also be right to have proper mechanisms in place to ensure that they get value for money .
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