Example sentences of "[conj] you be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The moral to be drawn from this sad episode is : ‘ Do n't put your money into any business you can not understand , and where you are at the mercy of the advice given by others , however trustworthy . ’
2 New identikit cities where it will not much matter where you are in the world .
3 1 State exactly where you were at the time ( if in a motor vehicle please give number ) .
4 Secondly what I 'd like , want both groups to do is to think how you would describe that person 's performance in an informal situation when you 're down the met , down the pub with your mates , or you 're in the room , speaking to that person .
5 added value to the field that you 're into the field that you are in .
6 I think , though , ’ the Doctor said , eyes twinkling , ‘ we 'll be able to persuade them that you 're on the same side as the rest of us . ’
7 erm the surgery that you 're on the way .
8 Go back to what I asked Terry about , just so that you 're in the picture really .
9 ‘ I assume that you 're in the picture , John ? ’
10 So next time your insurance is due , tell them that you 're in the Neighbourhood
11 Also it is a common feature of course that you need to order the resources , that you have the resource in terms of people or the economy or the armed forces , you need to order those resources to try to achieve your ends erm and we 'll look at that later , the aims that you 're going for in foreign policy so they 're common , that you 're in the same environment , that you 've got to m er whatever the resources you have you have to try to organize them to achieve your ends and so on .
12 ‘ You sense right away that you 're in the presence of a special talent .
13 ‘ You sense right away that you 're in the presence of a special talent .
14 Saturday you wo n't admit you 've made a mistake or that you 're in the wrong , while Sunday you will be hurt and offended by someone who does n't show you the respect you feel you deserve .
15 It hardly matters what you are angry about , so long as you convey clearly the message that you are on the point of a serious psychotic meltdown and anyone getting in your way is liable to be no more than a bag of pimply skin and bone shards lying in a pool of blood within seconds .
16 When the needle has centred , it indicates that you are on the centre line of the track set on the OBS scale .
17 A stock of ‘ standard ’ components will not help when an unusual item is ‘ out of stock ’ , and with these you just have to accept that you are at the mercy of the suppliers .
18 It is now easy to see that any QDM received which is a smaller figure than the desired track QDM means that you are to the left of your track .
19 Any QDM received which is a larger figure than the desired track QDM means that you are to the right of your track .
20 How accountable do you feel that you are to the public ?
21 Corrections — or interceptions by another name — are usually twice the number of degrees that you are off the desired track .
22 My word , Bodo , I really think that you are in the wrong profession .
23 That doctrine of notice has got into the Common Law in one or two places , e.g. in the law about the sale of goods in market overt , and in the law of negotiable instruments ; but , broadly speaking , whenever you have got rights which depend upon notice , you may be pretty sure that you are in the sphere of Equity .
24 A good feature of the Solution is that it offers flexibility in the depth of the decompression range , so that for an indicated ceiling of three metres it will accept that you are in the correct range if you are between nine and three metres depth .
25 It will be abundantly clear already that you are in the midst of superb quality rock .
26 Remember that you are in the presence of the altar .
27 He only has one loyal follower and that is Meander , and when a king has such little support , it is obvious that you are in the realms of revolution .
28 As part of the process of writing from the very beginning , and writing in small steps , from the first day you should write down , and keep available , notes consisting of a few sentences on each of the following : ( a ) the essay 's hypothesis ( the claim it is interested in exploring ) ; ( b ) the evidence or data you are going to use ( the facts , quotes , parallel cases from other texts , etc. , that you are in the process of collecting ) ; ( c ) brief statements of your ideas so far ; ( d ) in the case of a longer dissertation , the preliminary results of a " literature search " ( a survey of bibliographies to find things to read ) .
29 for I see that you are in the gaol of bitterness and in the bondage of inequity .
30 If you accept that unanimity is a near Impossibility , and that a majority decision is the next best thing , you also have to accept , as a general rule , that you will abide by a majority decision when it turns out that you are among the minority .
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