Example sentences of "[conj] that [adj] [noun] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 They can declare that a certain day shall be a national holiday , that a certain organization shall have legal personality , that a person shall be granted citizenship or shall be divorced or excommunicated , that certain land shall be dedicated to the public , or that some people shall have certain rights , and much else .
2 It is not surprising that such symbolism should unconsciously echo or evoke those infantile structures of representation through which identities and differences are first negotiated and invested with a sense of mastery , or that these models should be reproduced in the way racism is itself conceptualized .
3 He may derive some support from the statement of Templeman LJ in Amalgamated Estates Ltd v Joystretch Manufacturing Ltd : I think it is a great pity that any landlord should require , or that any tenant should accept , a provision making time of the essence when the consequences are so onerous .
4 They hope that if they ignore the , the behaviour it will stop or they do n't believe their complaint will be taken seriously or that any action will be taken at all .
5 Did the wives say , ‘ Had a good day , dear ? ’ and did the husbands reply , ‘ Not bad except that poor Fred could n't get it up at all .
6 To calculate the Paasche price index , the method described above for the Laspeyres index can be used except that current-year quantities must be used as weights .
7 29 Trust management expenses of non-resident and dual-resident discretionary trusts will be treated in a similar way except that this rule will apply only to those expenses allowed against income liable to tax in the UK .
8 In every other respect the file load will be a normal — and sequential — operation , except that some positions may be left vacant to retain the address/key relationship .
9 They have come to the conclusion that , from the point of view of the welfare of the children , it is more important to the children that they should not be separated from each other than that either child should go to one of the grandmothers .
10 In each case it had in effect been ruled that Gen Robertson 's order of 14 May would apply , and that 5 Corps could continue with arrangements already entered into hand over both Cossacks and Yugoslavs but only in each case , so lob as force did not have to be used .
11 The court and the court clerk accepted that if evidence was to be called and witnesses cross-examined , then the hearing was , in effect , a trial , and that two justices would be necessary .
12 In 1348 they demanded free trade in wool , and in 1351 achieved a definitive victory when the king agreed that the maltote should be granted only in parliament and that all merchants should be permitted to deal in wool ‘ without being restricted by those merchants who call themselves the king 's merchants ’ .
13 Hovering in the doorway , Wilson heard Mr Browning plead with her to say something to him and then she listened while he tried to make out a case for the French Emperor , to argue this might not be the betrayal it seemed , and that all hope might not be lost .
14 John Campbell of Mamore , however , had one powerful weapon at his disposal to reinforce his will , for he told the commissioners that for the future ‘ none but sure friends should be nominate[d] ’ commissioners of supply , ‘ and that all others should be razed out ’ .
15 Attorney General Amos Wako announced the same day that political parties would not be required to obtain licences to hold rallies during the election campaign , and that all parties would be allocated equal air time on national radio and television .
16 The first is the conclusion that it does not do any good for any delegation to stay away from any part of the process and that all parties should hang in there and keep the discussions going with as much momentum as possible .
17 In general terms , we advocated that there should be explicit teaching about the nature and functions of Standard English in the top years of the primary school ; that there should be the beginnings of the expectation of Standard English in written work when appropriate by the age of 11 ; that there should be the provision of opportunities for oral work where spoken Standard English would be a realistic expectation in the secondary school ; and that all pupils should be in a position to choose to use Standard English in speech when appropriate by the age of 16 .
18 The committee recommended that O grades , taken only by the abler pupils , be replaced by an examination that matched comprehensive education , and that all pupils should be assessed for a single national certificate in each subject .
19 Outlining the decree , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , Commander-in-Chief of Commonwealth forces , said the fleet 's military operations would remain in CIS hands , but be subordinate to Mr Yeltsin , and that all financing would come from Russia .
20 Outlining the decree , the Commander-in-Chief of Commonwealth Forces , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , said the fleet 's military operations would remain in the hands of the Commonwealth of Independent States , but be subordinate to Mr Yeltsin , and that all financing would come from Russia .
21 Outlining the decree , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , Commander-in-Chief of Commonwealth forces , said the fleet 's military operations would remain in CIS hands , but be subordinate to Mr Yeltsin , and that all financing would come from Russia .
22 It can not be overstressed that in any particular circumstance most of the factors will be irrelevant and that one factor will tend to dominate the decision and determine the form of any particular sale .
23 In a muddled way , he expected that she might fall into his arms , that he would be able to comfort her and that one thing would lead to another ; and so absorbed had he become in the effect Sam 's death would have on his own affairs , that he had forgotten that it might have some other effect on Martha 's .
24 I 've always been a believer in fate , and that one shot can win or lose an Open .
25 My hope and at this stage it can only be a hope , is that if consultations are held with presbyteries , a consensus will emerge as to the nature of the changes to Act seventeen that are required and that that consensus will enable the Act to be successfully amended .
26 It is imperative that that voice , at the Government end , should stand equal in Cabinet with the voice speaking on behalf of the commercial and industrial interests and that that voice should be independent .
27 This phenomenon can also be seen in trading stamp transactions so that s4(1) of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 ( substituted by s16(1) of SOGIT 1973 ) provides : In every redemption of trading stamps for goods , notwithstanding any term to the contrary on which the redemption is made , there is — ( a ) an implied warranty on the part of the promoter of the trading scheme that he has a right to give the goods in exchange ; ( b ) an implied warranty that the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the person obtaining the goods before , or at the time of redemption and that that person will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known ; ( c ) an implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such warranty ( i ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the attention of the person obtaining the goods before or at the time of redemption ; or ( ii ) if that person examines the goods before or at the time of redemption , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
28 Certainly Terry , Brian and I knew that close friends had been campaigning for us and that that experience could have changed them , just as we 'd been changed by what we had gone through .
29 We believe that small and medium-sized companies , which tend to be the most innovative , will be persuaded to develop new technologies and that that investment will result in considerable leverage .
30 I share with my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister the hope that the Community will one day be able to enlarge its fold and that that enlargement will include some of the currently problematic countries of eastern Europe .
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