Example sentences of "[conj] not the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whether or not there is an agreement must depend on the facts of the particular case , and whether or not the decision of Vaisey J. was correct I consider that the facts of the present case , including as they do the letters of 12 June and 15 September 1986 , are not consistent with an agreement on the lines suggested .
2 Sometimes we will wish to use the add instruction without modification by the index register , so we need an extra bit set aside in all such instructions , to specify whether or not the modification of the operand field by means of the index register is to take place .
3 Whether or not the likes of Richard Neville were accurately described in this manner by Mrs Whitehouse and other members of what Neville and his associates perceived to be the ‘ establishment ’ , or whether they could genuinely be described in Cohen 's ( 1988 ) terms as ‘ folk devils ’ , ‘ persons emerging to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests ’ , it is clear that , for Mrs Whitehouse , they represented a grave threat to all that she held dear .
4 Whether or not the Chairman of the KGB ( Victor Chebrikov ) , the Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Eduard Shevardnadze ) and the senior Party Secretary for defence production ( until July 1985 Grigori Romanov ) , have the formal status of permanent members , it is clear that they are in regular attendance , as very likely are the Chairman of the MVD ( Vitaliy Fedorchuk ) and the Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission ( Leonid Smirnov ) .
5 In the first place , almost the entire judgment was devoted to a consideration of whether or not the letters under the Great Seal were good and valid to impose the duty whereas the right to recover was dealt with in 10 words as a necessary consequence of invalidity .
6 By now , several more MPs were embroiled in the row over whether or not the Princess of Wales was dangerously underweight , and the death toll in the Cardiff fire had risen to four .
7 There is a considerable tract of authority , both in England and in other jurisdictions , which must be examined in order to ascertain whether or not the circumstances of the present case fall within Lord Wright 's principle .
8 This process requires judgements to be made based on the output of the risk analysis , i.e. it decides whether or not the level of risk is tolerable .
9 In the United States the Supreme Court , in Marbury v Madison ( 1803 ) 1 Cranch 137 , declared that it had power to decide whether or not the Acts of Congress conformed with the Constitution .
10 The value of A 2 will tell us whether or not the size of the polymer coil , which is dissolved in a particular solvent , will be perturbed or expanded over that of the unperturbed state , but the extent of this expansion is best estimated by calculating the expansion factor α .
11 The non-availability of this defence at common law is one of the reasons why local authorities , having decided to take action in the High Court , in order to secure an injunction requiring the cessation of the odour , often prefer to bring an action in respect of a public nuisance rather than rely on s.100 of the Public Health Act 1936 where it is uncertain whether or not the defence of best practicable means is available .
12 Therefore , adherence or otherwise to an existing code of practice would be relevant in establishing whether or not the defence of best practicable means can be established .
13 Further investigations were carried out to determine whether or not the proportion of straightforward deliveries varied with the location of the items requested , to examine the proportion of deliveries from each location which were placed on reserve for readers , and to record the relative numbers of non-straightforward deliveries from each location which were attributable either to ‘ initial failure ’ or to the need to transfer items from another reader .
14 It was held by the Divisional Court that they should not have done so , and the case was remitted with directions to the magistrates to ascertain whether or not the ingredients of the offence were made out .
15 The essential matter which has been argued before me is whether or not the order for payment out to Crossman Block should now be confirmed .
16 They describe the actual material benefits and opportunities of a group , whether or not the members of the group recognise these facts .
17 In 1987 , the Howarth Bill took a different route , proposing to add an alternative test based on whether or not the work in question was ‘ grossly offensive to a reasonable person ’ .
18 When the two sides met again at the hill station of Dalat in April 1946 it was obvious that the immediate disagreement was on the nature of the Indochina Federation and whether or not the Government of Vietnam , which the French had already recognized , was anything more than the Republic of Tonkin .
19 Whether or not the testing of nuclear weapons in the early 1960s caused a significant decrease in stratospheric ozone may remain controversial , but it is generally agreed by researchers that a future large-scale nuclear exchange with detonations totalling 5000–10,000 million tonnes would lead to substantial depletion of stratospheric ozone .
20 The purpose of the Commission , obviously , is to determine whether or not the conduct of a society 's business meets the intentions of the Act .
21 To recommend to Council whether the findings and decision should be published and whether or not the name of the respondent should be divulged .
22 Whether or not the law of negligence was correctly applied a hundred years ago in Walker v. Great Northern Railway Co. of Ireland , 28 L.R.Ir. 69 , it has since then been evolving .
23 If your employer 's trade or business is sold , your job rights will depend upon whether or not the Transfer of Undertakings ( Protection of Employment ) Regulations of 1981 are applicable .
24 Where the offeror is required to obtain independent advice , it should do so before announcing an offer or any revised offer , and the advice should be as to whether or not the making of the offer is in the interests of shareholders .
25 The statement ended : ‘ The decision on whether or not the mining of uranium is commenced in Ireland is one which will have profound and serious implications for the entire country .
26 However , deficiencies in the ability of the study to accurately record information on the cause of death meant that it could not be shown whether or not the reduction in mortality had been due to a reduction in diarrhoea-related deaths and hence due to the programme .
27 On July 17 it was decreed that foreigners of Albanian nationality and origin should " upon their request be granted Albanian nationality , maintaining or not the nationality of their own state " .
28 Whether or not the fruits of such a hybrid could be commercially exploited is not yet clear , however MacDonald and Wimpey feel that they are on to something very exciting .
29 Whether or not the teaching of study skills already features on your syllabus , we feel you can not fail to be impressed by A Study Skills Handbook and its relevance to the university student .
30 Whether or not the advantages to the business of imposing a change outweigh the disadvantages to the employee is one of the factors which should be taken into account .
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