Example sentences of "[conj] not all [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In these six we have proof that not all inhabitants of Jamaica , Sweden and Spain lack the temperament for this country 's robust style of play .
2 They recognise that not all interests in society are organised into groups and in order to explain this state of affairs they see it as important to consider two phenomena that tend to be ignored by pluralists .
3 When questions such as these are asked , it becomes apparent that not all conflicts of interest are of equal importance or concern .
4 The point must be made here that not all reductions in civil , political and social rights are necessarily unjustified .
5 It should be acknowledged that not all theories of Pavlovian learning are entirely happy with the suggestion that an associatively activated representation can form an excitatory link with the ( directly activated ) representation of some other event .
6 However , it is clear that not all aspects of deixis can be treated truth-conditionally , as we shall see below , and there are considerable problems even for the apparently tractable cases .
7 Medievalism is a significant inspiration in forward fashion ; and elsewhere it appeared rendered with a rather lighter touch , proving that not all aspects of the Dark Ages were dreary and dull .
8 The dealers — and not all trainees at that stood at their desks , hands poised on their phones , knees bent .
9 For example , a general election for the House of Commons must be held at least every 5 years but only certain people have access to the vote and not all votes for different parties are of equal power in the absence of proportional representation making for a close correspondence between votes cast and seats won ; the House of Lords ( once a very powerful state institution ) can now only delay bills passed by the House of Commons ; the Prime Minister " must " come from the Commons ; and it is " expected " that a government will resign and call a general election if it is defeated in a vote of confidence on the floor of the House of Commons .
10 This created the conditions which were to set the pattern of religious justification for strife for centuries to come , and there is little doubt that nearly all , if not all wars in historic time have had some kind of religion or ‘ god ’ put forward as requiring the human race , or parts of it to engage in bloodshed and misery .
11 Decisions of the Commissioners are binding on adjudication officers and on tribunals , but not all decisions of the Commissioners are reported .
12 But not all topics of discourse , of course , are legitimate candidates for ontological existents .
13 The way forward will be different for different people , but not all solutions to hearing loss lie solely in the realm of acquired skills and applied technology .
14 For the same reason , it can be misleading , because not all centres of population which possessed recognizably urban characteristics , as for example the employment of the inhabitants in manufacturing or trade rather than in agriculture , were boroughs in the strict legal sense .
15 Stress position may vary for one of two reasons : either as a result of the stress on other words occurring next to the word in question , or because not all speakers of RP agree on the placement of stress in some words .
16 ( 1 ) incomplete adaptation — since not all features of JC would be sufficiently salient to be " noticeable " for the purposes of adaptation , some of these would " slip through " and would fail to be adapted ( 2 ) inconsistency — due to possible learning or memory constraints , or perhaps for other reasons not well understood , some adaptations would be made haphazardly , so that the same item might appear sometimes in its LE variant , sometimes in its JC form ( 3 ) misadaptation — where the systems of JC and LE differ in such a way that adapting correctly requires recognising a contrast that exists in JC but not in LE , we would expect LE speakers to " get it wrong " some of the time , creating forms which are neither the target ( JC ) nor LE .
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