Example sentences of "[conj] he went [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His parents are well-off farmers in Somerset , and although he went to the prestigious Ampleforth school , he spent only a year after taking his A levels at agricultural college before becoming a BMW car salesman .
2 The thought appalled him so much that he went into the attic and slid back into bed without saying anything more to either of them .
3 ‘ The only reason I can imagine is — again , going back to the management and the bottom line — that he went into the Vegas thing .
4 She wrote that he went into the theatre as an ‘ unknown boy beatnik ’ , and came out ‘ mobbed by the crowd ’ .
5 All three write that he went on the pilgrimage in 822 , al-Makrizi saying that he had gone by way of Damascus , Ibn Hajar and al-Sayrafi possibly implying that he went from Jerusalem since they write that he " returned " there after the pilgrimage : the two versions are not , of course , mutually exclusive in any case , and the latter two authors may well mean no more than that he returned [ from the pilgrimage ] to Jerusalem .
6 Jean-Marie Chantreux , 28 , smirked as he told a Normandy court that he went to the shipping company to steal .
7 He told Norwich Crown Court he became so de-pressed that he went to the girl 's Felixstowe home , cut himself with a knife and rubbed poison into the wound in a suicide bid .
8 I was sorry that he went to the West Riding after only two terms , although this made me stand on my own feet quickly , which was of itself of value .
9 It was as a mere friend that he went to the private view of Vanessa 's second exhibition and met Rain Morgan .
10 A cocky 12-year-old in an expensive Goretex jacket , Kevin claims that he went to the boy 's home and was told by his father that he had not killed anyone .
11 He climbed the three steps to the door , and pushed at it , but it was securely locked , so he went to the nearest window .
12 So he said , Oh I w yes but he says , just come along with him , so he went to the funeral and then he
13 Of course they did n't get the portable with this , they rang them up , said where 's my colour portable said I 'll put you on to the manager anyway they had some deal that night that erm to launch this Mini Mayfair or whatever it was wine and cheese thing so he went to the wine and cheese thing and worried he was gon na kick up a fuss so they gave him a telly anyway .
14 He needed some toothpaste so he went into the chemists .
15 He wanted to help practically , so he went around the borough and elsewhere , looking for talent .
16 Once he went to the house in Stone Alley and was met at the door by Maggie Byrne , but she only wanted to talk about the undersized child in her arms whose life he had saved .
17 After several months of stalling , he believed Hashemi had tricked him and he went to the United States to retrieve his money — and save his face with his ‘ superiors ’ in the PPP .
18 And he went to the degree of saying , when I pressed him , how are we going to stay in this business ; he said , Albert , for all I know right now when I am talking to you , we could be finished with the business ; I do n't know . ’
19 Mr Steven Hadley , defending , said Williams 's wife , Andrea , 30 , died of cancer and he went to the medical centre in Pinner armed with a knife intending to make his wife 's GP , Dr Patricia Carson , apologise for what he felt was a wrong diagnosis .
20 The next day , which was the Friday , O did n't work and he did n't eat ; he woke up late , stayed in bed until it was dark , got up at nine and dressed in his white shirt just like always and he went to The Bar looking for his heart 's desire one very last time , and that was the night that he met Boy .
21 The interdependence of farming and mining , added to technological constraints , restricted the number of days annually available for mining ; the farmer-miner 's smallholding had first claim on his time , and he went to the mine with the limited aim of satisfying , with a minimum of effort , the desire for a particular level of cash-income expectation determined by the need to pay the rent of his holding and purchase a given packet of ‘ industrial ’ goods .
22 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
23 and the boy would next morning would pass on the outside of the gate offering a reward of five pounds to anyone who would in other words five pounds for Oliver Twist I never in for this in my life said the in the white , white coat as he locked the gate and he went to the next morning .
24 And he went to the bank and he got him three thousand pound ready and he got this beautiful car , he had n't it eighteen months before he wrapped it round a tree .
25 So he walked in the opposite direction , and he went to the park to get away from the people he might know .
26 And he went to the doctor and the doctor said well you have n't got anything wrong with your skull but I 'll take your blood pressure .
27 There was a small knee-hole desk and he went through the drawers but found nothing more than discarded pens , broken pencils , old catalogues , a quantity of scrap paper , and an assortment of pins and clips .
28 The gentleman 's face lit as his smile came out and he went towards the bed with the intention of grasping the veined hands held out towards him .
29 And he went into the corner and cried .
30 Abigail 's door was ajar and he went into the room , bringing a segment of light with him , a triangle that fell short a yard from her cot .
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