Example sentences of "[conj] not [adj] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 Negative feedback may show itself as disappointment at one 's achievement , particularly when compared with other members of the group , or as boredom or frequent teacher disapproval or not enough attention from the teacher ; it could be personal problems to do with one 's family , love life , accommodation or money difficulties .
2 For Heath it was a partnership in Indo-China between France and the US , whose interests required loyal and ungrudging although not uncritical support from the US .
3 Then Mr Banks turned to Mr Mellor and said : ‘ At least you get a speech and not cheap abuse from me . ’
4 However , the manual system lacked a direct link with a title listing , i.e. , the end result of the consultation was a classification number and not specific titles from which further refinement could have been made .
5 This process is called a Proving of the remedy and strict criteria are laid down in order to ensure that the true action of the remedy is brought out and not any interferences from other sources .
6 Stones dropped from the top of the mast of a uniformly moving ship fell to the deck at the foot of the mast and not some distance from the mast , as Aristotle 's theory predicted .
7 His achievements had already exceeded his highest hopes , and he anticipated equal if not greater success from the great continent .
8 Long-standing tensions also emerged in Soviet Georgia during 1988 and 1989 , inspired in part by nationalist pressures for a greater degree of autonomy within ( if not total separation from ) the USSR , and in part by differences of a social and ethnic character within Georgia itself .
9 Consideration of the likely burial and thermal history suggests there may be areas where gas if not liquid hydrocarbons from Palaeozoic source rocks could be preserved .
10 Observers believed that the referendum was intended to build legitimacy for at least greater economic control over Tatarstan 's oil production ( approximately 600,000 barrels per day ) , if not outright secession from Russia .
11 The first of these putative Na + /H + exchangers has 95% homology with the previously cloned human fibroblast Na + /H + exchanger , with which it also shares several functional characteristics , including extreme sensitivity to amiloride. furthermore , immunocytochemical studies showed that polyclonal antibodies to a fusion protein incorporating this sequence localise to basolateral but not apical membranes from rabbit ileum .
12 The indirect method was a natural though not inevitable growth from the fact that trustees could be selected from outside the class of heirs .
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