Example sentences of "[conj] he do the same " in BNC.

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1 The tiger that was nearest to him , and which he could see most easily , seemed so bored that he did the same thing day after day , hour after hour .
2 But his main qualification for cleaning up Argentina 's economic mess is that he did the same job ( rather badly ) in a short-lived government a quarter of a century ago .
3 If you notice , when he speaks he tends to run words together towards the end of sentences and he does the same when he writes . ’
4 And he does the same job as you ?
5 But apart from that incident , it was a great show and he did the same kind of thing in Seattle , Kansas City and the sort of cities in the Mid West where they had n't heard of him — it was too early — but Tony DeFries was as good as his word .
6 She pushed him again and he did the same again .
7 Scandinavia was a happy hunting ground for him and he did the same for Nicolai Gedda .
8 And he did the same thing at Brackley Town , he guided them to success , their best ever season , he 's gone to Buckingham Town , took a few players with him , so Brackley Town , they 're not too pleased and they 're going to be out to beat Buckingham Town tonight , but I 'm going to sit on the fence and go for Buckingham 3 1 .
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