Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb -s] through the " in BNC.

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1 I know , if he comes through the back door and
2 I believe that Taylor is still leaving the door open for Gazza to play some part against Norway in the opening World Cup tie at Wembley on October 14 — providing he comes through the ordeal of an Italian League baptism .
3 Fausto establishes a crucially sceptical perspective on the rhetoric of texts , since he sees through the ‘ fiction of continuity , the fiction of cause and effect , the fiction of a humanized history endowed with ‘ reason ’ ’ ( Pynchon 1975b : 306 ) .
4 A Man Utd fan dies and goes to heaven but before he goes through the pearly gates he has to pass a test .
5 Even his fond parents do n't call him that when he rampages through the flat creating mayhem , and Joyce was recently heard to declare that she 'd rather do Rob 's tax returns than look after the baby .
6 They are more likely to enjoy the games themselves , and so can help the patient to have fun as he goes through the relearning process .
7 They follow him as he goes through the sky and when he leaves the sky they look for him all night .
8 As he pushes through the swing doors and walks down the corridor towards his office , he can hear them spluttering with stifled laughter .
9 As he wheels through the door he relaxes slightly .
10 As he disappears through the front door so the neat brown head and the wild red one turn .
11 Mothers may threaten with ‘ Wait until I tell your father ’ and then load the father with tales of woe as he walks through the door in the evening .
12 He describes himself as a ‘ TV animal ’ who switches on the set at home as soon as he walks through the door .
13 Paul hears the key in the door and greets Keith with a big silly smile as he comes through the door .
14 As he moves through the house , mirrors monitor him .
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