Example sentences of "[conj] for the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 For these purposes a settlement shall not be deemed to be irrevocable ( by virtue of TA 1988 , s665(1) ) if its terms provide : ( a ) for the payment to the settlor or , during the life of the settlor , to the wife or husband of the settlor for his or her benefit , or for the application for the benefit of the settlor or , during the life of the settlor , of the wife or husband of the settlor , of any income or assets in any circumstances whatsoever during the life of the settlor 's child ; or ( b ) for the determination of the settlement by the act or on the default of any person ; or ( c ) for the payment of any penalty by the settlor in the event of his failing to comply with the provisions of the settlement .
2 This is why thresholds are needed : when cat is presented , numerous logogens will be excited , but in every case the excitation will not be high enough for the threshold level to be reached — except for the logogen for cat , which will receive so much evidence that its threshold will be reached .
3 Other influential evidence was provided by Phillips ( 1958 ) who showed that for the UK for almost 100 years before the late 1950s there appeared to exist a stable relationship — which became known as the Phillips curve — between a real variable , unemployment , and the rate of change of a nominal variable , nominal wages .
4 But for such proposed order the appellant would clearly be unable to hand over the documents : he would be subject to an implied undertaking , analogous to that arising on discovery in civil proceedings , not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes for which discovery was given , here the pursuance of the criminal appeal which is now , of course , successfully concluded .
5 used other than for the purposes for which the motor cycle is insured , as defined under Use on Page 6
6 Almost any substantial group of buildings with perhaps a shop , or village hall is today called a village and this leads to great confusion , both for researchers looking at earlier arrangements , and for the inhabitants for whom finer definitions are not needed .
7 Mr Dalyell also asked whether work on controls over radioactive emissions , particularly at Aldermaston , Amersham and Burghfield , was being hampered , and for the reasons for the recruitment difficulties .
8 The NCVO is pressing for a simpler SORP and for the timetable for compliance to be extended to mid 1994 to allow charities more time to prepare .
9 While this deduction was logical , it ignored the repercussions for American prestige and for the authority for the UN for the unification of Korea on a communist basis .
10 Provision will be made for the conduct of the business of the offeree during the period , if any , between signing and completion and for the right for the acquirer to terminate the contract if any major changes occur or breaches of warranty are discovered during such period .
11 Moreover , the reference to the technical abilities needed to build a bridge was directed as a warning against grandiose schemes which lacked a firm technical basis ; and for the need for patient , long-term methods of work , rather than substituting the ‘ shock-troop ’ methods of ‘ war communism ’ for more prosaic means .
12 On the question of trunk roads and the general capacity of the road system around York , the panel will see that we have actually presented some detailed evidence prepared by and I and for the information for the panel on Tuesday , I understand that all that information is agreed with the County Surveyor as well .
13 Now they were provided with a meal for which the police , at that time paid sixpence , and for the sixpence for breakfast they got a thick round of bread , margarine , a piece of cheese and a mug of tea .
14 Near the end of Hakim 's disturbing testimony — bakhshish , back-scratching , dedicated bank accounts — Senator Trible of Virginia said he found it ‘ part James Bond and part Jimmy Durante , and it would be very laughable , but for the consequences for people and policy . ’
15 The Oral Test will be as for the English for Commerce Second Level examination ( see 5.2.2 ) and the same subject code ( 2101 ) will apply .
16 As for the criteria for granting postgraduate awards , postgraduate study and research are academically demanding and candidates should be selected by competition to ensure that the resources available are used as effectively as possible .
17 As for the requirement for companies which own or operate fishing vessels registered in the United Kingdom to have their principal place of business in the United Kingdom , little needs to be added to that which has already been stated in discussing the nationality requirements .
18 As for the requirement for the owners , charterers , managers and operators of the vessel and , in the case of a company , the shareholders and directors , to be resident and domiciled in the member state in which the vessel is to be registered , it must be held that such a requirement , which is not justified by the rights and obligations created by the grant of a national flag to a vessel , results in discrimination on grounds of nationality .
19 As for the reasons for the shortfall , the department says that research officers as a matter of course over-estimate spending at the start of a financial year .
20 As for the hunt for Mr Palme 's murderer , Swedish police officials have asserted that it will continue .
21 As for the trap for Harry , Nolan would be mentally and physically capable . ’
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