Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mark : I ca n't say that to the same extent , but where I live at the moment I know a lot of people within five minutes ' walk and there are ten or fifteen gay people I know who live locally ; there are people I can visit without any great effort whatsoever , whom I 'm likely to meet in the shops .
2 ( I am angry over an act of injustice or I wonder at the sight of Niagara Falls or I am pleased with my Christmas present . )
3 I think he just figured he would n't do it — he 's in this big rock band and would n't think of doing it , although I think at the time Phil would have !
4 Suppose that I point at a chair and say ‘ By ‘ chair ’ I mean that ’ , nothing in what I have done creates the desired meaning for the word ‘ chair ’ unless I can further characterise what it is about the object I am pointing to that I am taking as relevant ; for example , I might say ‘ that sort of furniture ’ , and this would improve matters , but I have to have the concept of furniture first .
5 When I went to the Royal Courts of Justice , the judge knew what he was going to give me , and I got three years ' probation , on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year and that I attend a day centre .
6 He gave me schnapps and insisted that I stay at the hotel the SS man had mentioned .
7 the first thing that I do at the beginning of the lesson is one sec
8 Even if she did claim to know who it was we 'd find it difficult to convince a judge , without far more proof than I have at the moment . ’
9 erm I 'd like to be able to present something in front of me which prompts me a bit better than I do at the moment I tend to get lost in what 's in front of me .
10 The duvet symbolizes the whole wretchedness of leaving , so I slump at the table , pulling a long face and blowing ripples in the surface of my coffee which has grown cold anyway .
11 I 'm in bed reading , so I look at the little security system we have , look at the screen — I do n't know this chap , he 's obviously drunk , and obviously ex-public school .
12 An me tremble at de knees
13 ISAAC AND I STAY at the farm for two more days .
14 And I remember at the time , I was chasing you over a most ridiculous national press story that Emlyn did n't like the idea of you a pop singer appearing in one of his classics .
15 There was a problem with gilt funds about three years ago , and T S B ran up against the problem of falling gilt yields and trying to maintain the , the flow to the investor , which they did , but th they failed to tell the investor that they were having to erm sell gilts and er trade under market value , so in fact you reduce the fund , but there are halfway stages , and I mean at the moment I can get round about eight percent , plus on , on erm er offshore funds .
16 I will say that Roy dealt with it , when it happened and I know at the time he , he was very very thorough over it .
17 ‘ Ca n't you give up this living ? ’ she asks , and I stare at the invisible ceiling .
18 And I stare at the handprints on the ceiling .
19 And I listen at the wall for sounds from Jancey , but it 's as quiet as a pillow , and she 's obviously gone to bed .
20 Gordon and I sit at a table as the old snowys sup their milk stouts and get ready to cross the road to the theatre , where several stars of television are about to perform the fabulous musical My Fair Lady .
21 Rachel and I wait at the little barrier in the station terminus , and again I think what an ordinary pair of holidaymakers we must look — too tatty to be honeymooners , but the same kind of contentment together .
22 Tenpin bowling has cheap membership and I believe at the end of the day , that people want to belong to clubs .
23 Phil : Well I would say that if I had my life over again I wish and hope that everything happens the same , and I think at the end of the day Becky had been the cream on top of the cake …
24 And I think at the present time , all of us on the right are more concerned about getting the economy right and cutting government expenditure that carrying on with er schemes of a privatization that might or might not succeed .
25 That 's what this programme is about , and in that time I mean I think , I was thinking actually as Terry was speaking , erm you said that it was not clear that you can judge somebody on a hundred days , and I must say I agree with that , and I think at the moment in the last hundred days we 've been at war and it 's impossible to judge a new Prime Minister , who 's come into office in the right at the beginning of what potentially could have been a very nasty war .
26 I think you 've got to do something drastic , at the end of last year a considerable number of working parties and committees were actually reduced or eliminated , and I look at education and I look at the sub- committees of education , they 've all been replaced by working parties now that meet more and more regularly .
27 And I recall at the beginning of the war , they got a an almost light-proof black out curtaining , and I can re see it today , The Queen bought some , they were on exhibition .
28 If I go at the end of the season , then I will have done my best , and can hold my head high . ’
29 Right double the speed , if I drive at a hundred and twenty .
30 Erm what would happen if I drive at a tenth of the speed ?
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