Example sentences of "[conj] i leave [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I hoped she would n't make a big production out of the delivery upstairs , but just in case she did I thought I would n't go anywhere where she could see me and point me out to any of the owners , so I left through the front exit gates and found the actors ' bus with its Mystery Race Train banner and faded inside into the reassembling troupe .
2 Well if I left at the same time as you he mi he might feel obliged to offer me a lift but if he did
3 But I left in a hurry because the piglets ' mother did n't approve of a stranger wandering among her brood and she came at me open-mouthed , barking explosively .
4 Now I won that game , losing just two ‘ pieces ’ , but only after I left with the comeliest ‘ piece ’ of all , a wench from the imperial harem , did Suleiman discover that I had cheated and publicly marked me down for death .
5 He called on me at the apartment a few hours before I left for the airport .
6 Hospital appointments seemed to go on for ever and when I left for the Sahara , I forgot to cancel one of them .
7 I dropped it when I left for the realm .
8 When I leave at the end of the year , I plan to continue in pastoral work but hope to return on occasions to be with the Middlesbrough Diocesan Family .
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