Example sentences of "[conj] i go [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From then on I continually sought quiet , and that although I went from one place to another .
2 But certainly that man that I went to that time he was very very nice and
3 I was totally petrified — so I went with another girl , my first feminist incidentally . ’
4 and I go into that pad , say
5 Yes it would I 'm a big gambler and I go into any gambling .
6 Sue and I go to this cafe , I told you at Newtown did n't I ?
7 I 'm ninety three now and I go in this back yard do something every time .
8 A private internal affair needed resolving , and I went on that review group , I was prepared to do all that I could to resolve it .
9 I left when there was a time of barrenness and I went into another country and now there 's a time of plenty and I 'm going back home what are they going to say to me ?
10 And I went about two years ago on a gorgeous and sunny morning like one of the first of the season , you know , and the place was packed .
11 Now , I and I went to other day , I was having quite bad headaches from the back of my eyes , feeling like , you know , I had pressure there , and so , I think it was just headaches but I wanted to go and check it out , and I went to the , cos my dad said oh if you go to the opticians erm , they give you free checks as you 've got glaucoma in the family , and erm , or glaucoma , or whatever you call it .
12 You and I went to ordinary grammar schools , Bob — but we do n't go round pretending to be classless .
13 And I went to that meeting thinking
14 Yeah and I went to that
15 My original career intention was to go into farm management and I went to agricultural college .
16 Another day we hired bikes and rode through the forests , seeing the Blue Lake and the Green Lake , and William and I went to Buried Village ( where we found a nice cafe with a superb carrot cake , for which I got the recipe ) .
17 not really , always have more gravy , did n't , I did n't think the meat was as good , you did n't either and I went to another butcher because I thought it
18 And I went to last summer we took a er I took a sha er not a sha erm tt static caravan in , at er Prestatyn an and erm
19 I 'd been out the army about three days and I went to this dance with some army mates .
20 Arthur and I went for long walks — and that little village was the best place in the world .
21 And I went like that
22 Oh yes she did and I went like this ,
23 I missed several classes because they put me up in , for instance I , when I came up from the infants to the big school I missed the first standard and they put me into standard two and I went from two , three , four , five , six , seven and seven and I was only eleven , you see , so I did pretty well and then the Headmaster came to my parents and said , why do n't you let her go in for a scholarship to Stowmarket Secondary and so I went in for that and er there was one other girl went as well , there were two of us and erm , and of course we only heard during the summer break and er we passed .
24 I mean , I think a lot of national organisations that are giving , I trust that are giving money to people actually do want to know that sort of detail about where the money is going , because , if I go through this , I mean , I would have to say that I should imagine that a very small percentage of the money that has been collected on these flag days will actually get back into Oxfordshire .
25 Because , if I go to two different mathematicians and I say erm , can you work these sums for me ?
26 Generally and for the most part they 'll come up with the same sum at the end of the day and if I go to two different philosophers and say , erm can you tell me about free will ?
27 I went to me doctor as well , but if I go to that doctor with a swollen ankle or somethin' , she gives me antibiotics , if it 's me back , it 's antibiotics , if it 's a cold , antibiotics .
28 If I go to another dentist do you think it 's worth my while writing to D H S S , saying I 've paid forty five , forty pound ninety five pence , at that dentist and can I transfer the treatment to this other dentist
29 Did er , if I go to this place
30 I 'll see what if we come up with anything with Trevor if I go over this weekend .
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