Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [adv] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Go and get nine tickets , or I start right up all the bloody year round for that .
2 My flower — the one that I remember best out of many — was gathered where I said it had been .
3 I 've been working in Cleveland , US for 4 months now , and am amazed that I get more up to date information on the week 's activities than when I lived outside London !
4 By that I mean partially out of this area .
5 Every month I write cheques for causes that I feel strongly about . ’
6 I 'd hate anyone to think that I did well out of dealing with the problem page .
7 It 'll probably go up by another three , four pounds and then later on er when the cows goes up to the grass I 'll be making not quite double probably , but er quite a lot more than I do now up to maybe fourteen , fifteen pounds in a day .
8 I do n't want to go near them , so I walk right up against the shops , sort of leaning right against the windows so they wo n't get me .
9 The house was sold off and I ended up inheriting 12,000 dollars , so I went straight out and bought an AG 440 Ampex professional four track machine and took it up to my father 's coffee plant , and every night when he left I would drive up and work on Stevie 's and my songs .
10 T'owd dear was n't up to doing much better by the chocolates , having problems wi' sugar in her water , so I did well out o' that .
11 I can imagine you turning right in one of the lanes around here , and me going straight on into some duck pond or other . ’
12 A partially deaf therapist stated : ‘ I 've got a lot more patience with deaf people and I get more out of them .
13 My o 's gon na be a snake and I go right down look at that that 's the last thing I 'm gon na have to be able to do .
14 She and I go way back .
15 Nellie and I tiptoed quietly back down the aisle and out of the door .
16 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
17 I was so cold today , yeah , I got a , I filled up that kettle and I boiled it and I got , I was holding on to it and I fell backwards on to my bed and I burnt myself
18 Then I plucked up the courage to start moving around on my own and began walking down a path when the gentleman in grey asked people to stand aside , and I stepped well back .
19 Shortly the pod made its unceremonious bump of a landing at the immensity of the spaceport , and I stepped warily out .
20 The double doors of the church are always open and I walk straight in .
21 But she lived higher up and I lived lower down .
22 I was actually flashed at er in the library and what I thought of I would of done was completely different to what I actually did , erm , I thought I would of been quite calm about it , but in fact I ran out the library and I ran straight back to my flat erm , I was at that point I think about twenty one
23 I could now forget Bill for hours , even days , then one sniff of wet plaster and I went straight back to Marcus Small Ward Two .
24 Now that was the time when first daylight on Bristol , and we heard the bombers go up , and I went home out on the tram car , and there were the young ones just screaming down into the city , I said , ’ good grief , those bombers have hit something ’ , and it was Filton Aeroplane , people had direct hits on shelters you see .
25 There were no sounds , except for the wind in the trees , and I went quietly round to the eastern side , keeping in the shadows .
26 Rob managed to throw up twice and I felt decidedly off .
27 and I pedalled frantically round , did n't know how to get off again cos it was much too high .
28 My mother , for instance , has a touch of Oldtimer 's disease and I come right out and say so .
29 My master did not demur and I slipped quietly out of the chamber .
30 And I swam straight in .
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